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// Copyright 2018 The gVisor Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Binary runsc is an implementation of the Open Container Initiative Runtime
// that runs applications inside a sandbox.
package main
import (
var (
// Although these flags are not part of the OCI spec, they are used by
// Docker, and thus should not be changed.
rootDir = flag.String("root", "", "root directory for storage of container state")
logFilename = flag.String("log", "", "file path where internal debug information is written, default is stdout")
logFormat = flag.String("log-format", "text", "log format: text (default), json, or json-k8s")
debug = flag.Bool("debug", false, "enable debug logging")
showVersion = flag.Bool("version", false, "show version and exit")
// These flags are unique to runsc, and are used to configure parts of the
// system that are not covered by the runtime spec.
// Debugging flags.
debugLog = flag.String("debug-log", "", "additional location for logs. If it ends with '/', log files are created inside the directory with default names. The following variables are available: %TIMESTAMP%, %COMMAND%.")
logPackets = flag.Bool("log-packets", false, "enable network packet logging")
logFD = flag.Int("log-fd", -1, "file descriptor to log to. If set, the 'log' flag is ignored.")
debugLogFD = flag.Int("debug-log-fd", -1, "file descriptor to write debug logs to. If set, the 'debug-log-dir' flag is ignored.")
debugLogFormat = flag.String("debug-log-format", "text", "log format: text (default), json, or json-k8s")
alsoLogToStderr = flag.Bool("alsologtostderr", false, "send log messages to stderr")
// Debugging flags: strace related
strace = flag.Bool("strace", false, "enable strace")
straceSyscalls = flag.String("strace-syscalls", "", "comma-separated list of syscalls to trace. If --strace is true and this list is empty, then all syscalls will be traced.")
straceLogSize = flag.Uint("strace-log-size", 1024, "default size (in bytes) to log data argument blobs")
// Flags that control sandbox runtime behavior.
platform = flag.String("platform", "ptrace", "specifies which platform to use: ptrace (default), kvm")
network = flag.String("network", "sandbox", "specifies which network to use: sandbox (default), host, none. Using network inside the sandbox is more secure because it's isolated from the host network.")
gso = flag.Bool("gso", true, "enable generic segmenation offload")
fileAccess = flag.String("file-access", "exclusive", "specifies which filesystem to use for the root mount: exclusive (default), shared. Volume mounts are always shared.")
overlay = flag.Bool("overlay", false, "wrap filesystem mounts with writable overlay. All modifications are stored in memory inside the sandbox.")
watchdogAction = flag.String("watchdog-action", "log", "sets what action the watchdog takes when triggered: log (default), panic.")
panicSignal = flag.Int("panic-signal", -1, "register signal handling that panics. Usually set to SIGUSR2(12) to troubleshoot hangs. -1 disables it.")
profile = flag.Bool("profile", false, "prepares the sandbox to use Golang profiler. Note that enabling profiler loosens the seccomp protection added to the sandbox (DO NOT USE IN PRODUCTION).")
netRaw = flag.Bool("net-raw", false, "enable raw sockets. When false, raw sockets are disabled by removing CAP_NET_RAW from containers (`runsc exec` will still be able to utilize raw sockets). Raw sockets allow malicious containers to craft packets and potentially attack the network.")
numNetworkChannels = flag.Int("num-network-channels", 1, "number of underlying channels(FDs) to use for network link endpoints.")
rootless = flag.Bool("rootless", false, "it allows the sandbox to be started with a user that is not root. Sandbox and Gofer processes may run with same privileges as current user.")
// Test flags, not to be used outside tests, ever.
testOnlyAllowRunAsCurrentUserWithoutChroot = flag.Bool("TESTONLY-unsafe-nonroot", false, "TEST ONLY; do not ever use! This skips many security measures that isolate the host from the sandbox.")
func main() {
// Help and flags commands are generated automatically.
help := cmd.NewHelp(subcommands.DefaultCommander)
subcommands.Register(help, "")
subcommands.Register(subcommands.FlagsCommand(), "")
// Register user-facing runsc commands.
subcommands.Register(new(cmd.Checkpoint), "")
subcommands.Register(new(cmd.Create), "")
subcommands.Register(new(cmd.Delete), "")
subcommands.Register(new(cmd.Do), "")
subcommands.Register(new(cmd.Events), "")
subcommands.Register(new(cmd.Exec), "")
subcommands.Register(new(cmd.Gofer), "")
subcommands.Register(new(cmd.Kill), "")
subcommands.Register(new(cmd.List), "")
subcommands.Register(new(cmd.Pause), "")
subcommands.Register(new(cmd.PS), "")
subcommands.Register(new(cmd.Restore), "")
subcommands.Register(new(cmd.Resume), "")
subcommands.Register(new(cmd.Run), "")
subcommands.Register(new(cmd.Spec), "")
subcommands.Register(new(cmd.Start), "")
subcommands.Register(new(cmd.State), "")
subcommands.Register(new(cmd.Wait), "")
// Register internal commands with the internal group name. This causes
// them to be sorted below the user-facing commands with empty group.
// The string below will be printed above the commands.
const internalGroup = "internal use only"
subcommands.Register(new(cmd.Boot), internalGroup)
subcommands.Register(new(cmd.Debug), internalGroup)
subcommands.Register(new(cmd.Gofer), internalGroup)
// All subcommands must be registered before flag parsing.
// Are we showing the version?
if *showVersion {
// The format here is the same as runc.
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "runsc version %s\n", version)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "spec: %s\n", specutils.Version)
var errorLogger io.Writer
if *logFD > -1 {
errorLogger = os.NewFile(uintptr(*logFD), "error log file")
} else if *logFilename != "" {
// We must set O_APPEND and not O_TRUNC because Docker passes
// the same log file for all commands (and also parses these
// log files), so we can't destroy them on each command.
var err error
errorLogger, err = os.OpenFile(*logFilename, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND, 0644)
if err != nil {
cmd.Fatalf("error opening log file %q: %v", *logFilename, err)
cmd.ErrorLogger = errorLogger
platformType, err := boot.MakePlatformType(*platform)
if err != nil {
cmd.Fatalf("%v", err)
fsAccess, err := boot.MakeFileAccessType(*fileAccess)
if err != nil {
cmd.Fatalf("%v", err)
if fsAccess == boot.FileAccessShared && *overlay {
cmd.Fatalf("overlay flag is incompatible with shared file access")
netType, err := boot.MakeNetworkType(*network)
if err != nil {
cmd.Fatalf("%v", err)
wa, err := boot.MakeWatchdogAction(*watchdogAction)
if err != nil {
cmd.Fatalf("%v", err)
if *numNetworkChannels <= 0 {
cmd.Fatalf("num_network_channels must be > 0, got: %d", *numNetworkChannels)
// Create a new Config from the flags.
conf := &boot.Config{
RootDir: *rootDir,
Debug: *debug,
LogFilename: *logFilename,
LogFormat: *logFormat,
DebugLog: *debugLog,
DebugLogFormat: *debugLogFormat,
FileAccess: fsAccess,
Overlay: *overlay,
Network: netType,
GSO: *gso,
LogPackets: *logPackets,
Platform: platformType,
Strace: *strace,
StraceLogSize: *straceLogSize,
WatchdogAction: wa,
PanicSignal: *panicSignal,
ProfileEnable: *profile,
EnableRaw: *netRaw,
NumNetworkChannels: *numNetworkChannels,
Rootless: *rootless,
TestOnlyAllowRunAsCurrentUserWithoutChroot: *testOnlyAllowRunAsCurrentUserWithoutChroot,
if len(*straceSyscalls) != 0 {
conf.StraceSyscalls = strings.Split(*straceSyscalls, ",")
// Set up logging.
if *debug {
subcommand := flag.CommandLine.Arg(0)
var e log.Emitter
if *debugLogFD > -1 {
f := os.NewFile(uintptr(*debugLogFD), "debug log file")
// Quick sanity check to make sure no other commands get passed
// a log fd (they should use log dir instead).
if subcommand != "boot" && subcommand != "gofer" {
cmd.Fatalf("flag --debug-log-fd should only be passed to 'boot' and 'gofer' command, but was passed to %q", subcommand)
// If we are the boot process, then we own our stdio FDs and can do what we
// want with them. Since Docker and Containerd both eat boot's stderr, we
// dup our stderr to the provided log FD so that panics will appear in the
// logs, rather than just disappear.
if err := syscall.Dup2(int(f.Fd()), int(os.Stderr.Fd())); err != nil {
cmd.Fatalf("error dup'ing fd %d to stderr: %v", f.Fd(), err)
e = newEmitter(*debugLogFormat, f)
} else if *debugLog != "" {
f, err := specutils.DebugLogFile(*debugLog, subcommand)
if err != nil {
cmd.Fatalf("error opening debug log file in %q: %v", *debugLog, err)
e = newEmitter(*debugLogFormat, f)
} else {
// Stderr is reserved for the application, just discard the logs if no debug
// log is specified.
e = newEmitter("text", ioutil.Discard)
if *alsoLogToStderr {
e = log.MultiEmitter{e, newEmitter(*debugLogFormat, os.Stderr)}
log.Infof("Args: %s", os.Args)
log.Infof("Version %s", version)
log.Infof("PID: %d", os.Getpid())
log.Infof("UID: %d, GID: %d", os.Getuid(), os.Getgid())
log.Infof("\t\tRootDir: %s", conf.RootDir)
log.Infof("\t\tPlatform: %v", conf.Platform)
log.Infof("\t\tFileAccess: %v, overlay: %t", conf.FileAccess, conf.Overlay)
log.Infof("\t\tNetwork: %v, logging: %t", conf.Network, conf.LogPackets)
log.Infof("\t\tStrace: %t, max size: %d, syscalls: %s", conf.Strace, conf.StraceLogSize, conf.StraceSyscalls)
// Call the subcommand and pass in the configuration.
var ws syscall.WaitStatus
subcmdCode := subcommands.Execute(context.Background(), conf, &ws)
if subcmdCode == subcommands.ExitSuccess {
log.Infof("Exiting with status: %v", ws)
if ws.Signaled() {
// No good way to return it, emulate what the shell does. Maybe raise
// signall to self?
os.Exit(128 + int(ws.Signal()))
// Return an error that is unlikely to be used by the application.
log.Warningf("Failure to execute command, err: %v", subcmdCode)
func newEmitter(format string, logFile io.Writer) log.Emitter {
switch format {
case "text":
return &log.GoogleEmitter{&log.Writer{Next: logFile}}
case "json":
return &log.JSONEmitter{log.Writer{Next: logFile}}
case "json-k8s":
return &log.K8sJSONEmitter{log.Writer{Next: logFile}}
cmd.Fatalf("invalid log format %q, must be 'text', 'json', or 'json-k8s'", format)
func init() {
// Set default root dir to something (hopefully) user-writeable.
*rootDir = "/var/run/runsc"
if runtimeDir := os.Getenv("XDG_RUNTIME_DIR"); runtimeDir != "" {
*rootDir = filepath.Join(runtimeDir, "runsc")