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// Copyright 2018 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Binary runsc is an implementation of the Open Container Initiative Runtime
// that runs applications inside a sandbox.
package main
import (
var (
// Although these flags are not part of the OCI spec, they are used by
// Docker, and thus should not be changed.
rootDir = flag.String("root", "", "root directory for storage of container state")
logFilename = flag.String("log", "", "file path where internal debug information is written, default is stdout")
logFormat = flag.String("log-format", "text", "log format: text (default) or json")
debug = flag.Bool("debug", false, "enable debug logging")
// These flags are unique to runsc, and are used to configure parts of the
// system that are not covered by the runtime spec.
// Debugging flags.
debugLogDir = flag.String("debug-log-dir", "", "additional location for logs. It creates individual log files per command")
logPackets = flag.Bool("log-packets", false, "enable network packet logging")
// Debugging flags: strace related
strace = flag.Bool("strace", false, "enable strace")
straceSyscalls = flag.String("strace-syscalls", "", "comma-separated list of syscalls to trace. If --strace is true and this list is empty, then all syscalls will be traced.")
straceLogSize = flag.Uint("strace-log-size", 1024, "default size (in bytes) to log data argument blobs")
// Flags that control sandbox runtime behavior.
platform = flag.String("platform", "ptrace", "specifies which platform to use: ptrace (default), kvm")
network = flag.String("network", "sandbox", "specifies which network to use: sandbox (default), host, none. Using network inside the sandbox is more secure because it's isolated from the host network.")
fileAccess = flag.String("file-access", "proxy", "specifies which filesystem to use: proxy (default), direct. Using a proxy is more secure because it disallows the sandbox from opennig files directly in the host.")
overlay = flag.Bool("overlay", false, "wrap filesystem mounts with writable overlay. All modifications are stored in memory inside the sandbox.")
var gitRevision = ""
func main() {
// Help and flags commands are generated automatically.
subcommands.Register(subcommands.HelpCommand(), "")
subcommands.Register(subcommands.FlagsCommand(), "")
// Register user-facing runsc commands.
subcommands.Register(new(cmd.Create), "")
subcommands.Register(new(cmd.Delete), "")
subcommands.Register(new(cmd.Events), "")
subcommands.Register(new(cmd.Exec), "")
subcommands.Register(new(cmd.Gofer), "")
subcommands.Register(new(cmd.Kill), "")
subcommands.Register(new(cmd.List), "")
subcommands.Register(new(cmd.PS), "")
subcommands.Register(new(cmd.Run), "")
subcommands.Register(new(cmd.Start), "")
subcommands.Register(new(cmd.State), "")
// Register internal commands with the internal group name. This causes
// them to be sorted below the user-facing commands with empty group.
// The string below will be printed above the commands.
const internalGroup = "internal use only"
subcommands.Register(new(cmd.Boot), internalGroup)
subcommands.Register(new(cmd.Gofer), internalGroup)
// All subcommands must be registered before flag parsing.
platformType, err := boot.MakePlatformType(*platform)
if err != nil {
cmd.Fatalf("%v", err)
fsAccess, err := boot.MakeFileAccessType(*fileAccess)
if err != nil {
cmd.Fatalf("%v", err)
netType, err := boot.MakeNetworkType(*network)
if err != nil {
cmd.Fatalf("%v", err)
// Create a new Config from the flags.
conf := &boot.Config{
RootDir: *rootDir,
Debug: *debug,
LogFilename: *logFilename,
LogFormat: *logFormat,
DebugLogDir: *debugLogDir,
FileAccess: fsAccess,
Overlay: *overlay,
Network: netType,
LogPackets: *logPackets,
Platform: platformType,
Strace: *strace,
StraceLogSize: *straceLogSize,
if len(*straceSyscalls) != 0 {
conf.StraceSyscalls = strings.Split(*straceSyscalls, ",")
// Set up logging.
if *debug {
var logFile io.Writer = os.Stderr
if *logFilename != "" {
// We must set O_APPEND and not O_TRUNC because Docker passes
// the same log file for all commands (and also parses these
// log files), so we can't destroy them on each command.
f, err := os.OpenFile(*logFilename, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND, 0644)
if err != nil {
cmd.Fatalf("error opening log file %q: %v", *logFilename, err)
logFile = f
var e log.Emitter
switch *logFormat {
case "text":
e = log.GoogleEmitter{&log.Writer{Next: logFile}}
case "json":
e = log.JSONEmitter{log.Writer{Next: logFile}}
cmd.Fatalf("invalid log format %q, must be 'json' or 'text'", *logFormat)
if *debugLogDir != "" {
if err := os.MkdirAll(*debugLogDir, 0775); err != nil {
cmd.Fatalf("error creating dir %q: %v", *debugLogDir, err)
// Format: <debug-log-dir>/runsc.log.<yyymmdd-hhmmss.uuuuuu>.<command>
scmd := flag.CommandLine.Arg(0)
filename := fmt.Sprintf("runsc.log.%s.%s", time.Now().Format("20060102-150405.000000"), scmd)
path := filepath.Join(*debugLogDir, filename)
f, err := os.OpenFile(path, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND, 0664)
if err != nil {
cmd.Fatalf("error opening log file %q: %v", filename, err)
e = log.MultiEmitter{e, log.GoogleEmitter{&log.Writer{Next: f}}}
log.Infof("Args: %s", os.Args)
log.Infof("Git Revision: %s", gitRevision)
log.Infof("PID: %d", os.Getpid())
log.Infof("UID: %d, GID: %d", os.Getuid(), os.Getgid())
log.Infof("\t\tRootDir: %s", conf.RootDir)
log.Infof("\t\tPlatform: %v", conf.Platform)
log.Infof("\t\tFileAccess: %v, overlay: %t", conf.FileAccess, conf.Overlay)
log.Infof("\t\tNetwork: %v, logging: %t", conf.Network, conf.LogPackets)
log.Infof("\t\tStrace: %t, max size: %d, syscalls: %s", conf.Strace, conf.StraceLogSize, conf.StraceSyscalls)
// Call the subcommand and pass in the configuration.
var ws syscall.WaitStatus
subcmdCode := subcommands.Execute(context.Background(), conf, &ws)
if subcmdCode == subcommands.ExitSuccess {
log.Infof("Exiting with status: %v", ws)
if ws.Signaled() {
// No good way to return it, emulate what the shell does. Maybe raise
// signall to self?
os.Exit(128 + int(ws.Signal()))
// Return an error that is unlikely to be used by the application.
log.Warningf("Failure to execute command, err: %v", subcmdCode)
func init() {
// Set default root dir to something (hopefully) user-writeable.
*rootDir = "/var/run/runsc"
if runtimeDir := os.Getenv("XDG_RUNTIME_DIR"); runtimeDir != "" {
*rootDir = filepath.Join(runtimeDir, "runsc")