load("//tools:defs.bzl", "pkg_deb", "pkg_tar", "select_arch", "version") package(licenses = ["notice"]) pkg_tar( name = "debian-bin", srcs = [ "//runsc", "//shim:containerd-shim-runsc-v1", ], mode = "0755", package_dir = "/usr/bin", ) pkg_tar( name = "debian-data", extension = "tar.gz", deps = [ ":debian-bin", "//shim:config", ], ) pkg_deb( name = "debian", out = "runsc-latest.deb", architecture = select_arch( amd64 = "amd64", arm64 = "arm64", ), changes = "runsc.changes", data = ":debian-data", deb = "runsc.deb", # Note that the description_file will be flatten (all newlines removed), # and therefore it is kept to a simple one-line description. The expected # format for debian packages is "short summary\nLonger explanation of # tool." and this is impossible with the flattening. description_file = "description", homepage = "https://gvisor.dev/", maintainer = "The gVisor Authors ", package = "runsc", postinst = "postinst.sh", version_file = version, visibility = [ "//visibility:public", ], )