# gVisor gVisor is a user-space kernel, written in Go, that implements a substantial portion of the Linux system surface. It includes an [Open Container Initiative (OCI)][oci] runtime called `runsc` that provides an isolation boundary between the application and the host kernel. The `runsc` runtime integrates with Docker and Kubernetes, making it simple to run sandboxed containers. gVisor takes a distinct approach to container sandboxing and makes a different set of technical trade-offs compared to existing sandbox technologies, thus providing new tools and ideas for the container security landscape. ### Why does gVisor exist? Containers are not a [**sandbox**][sandbox]. While containers have revolutionized how we develop, package, and deploy applications, running untrusted or potentially malicious code without additional isolation is not a good idea. The efficiency and performance gains from using a single, shared kernel also mean that container escape is possible with a single vulnerability. gVisor is a user-space kernel for containers. It limits the host kernel surface accessible to the application while still giving the application access to all the features it expects. Unlike most kernels, gVisor does not assume or require a fixed set of physical resources; instead, it leverages existing host kernel functionality and runs as a normal user-space process. In other words, gVisor implements Linux by way of Linux. gVisor should not be confused with technologies and tools to harden containers against external threats, provide additional integrity checks, or limit the scope of access for a service. One should always be careful about what data is made available to a container. ### How is gVisor different from other container isolation mechanisms? Two other approaches are commonly taken to provide stronger isolation than native containers. **Machine-level virtualization**, such as [KVM][kvm] and [Xen][xen], exposes virtualized hardware to a guest kernel via a Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM). This virtualized hardware is generally enlightened (paravirtualized) and additional mechanisms can be used to improve the visibility between the guest and host (e.g. balloon drivers, paravirtualized spinlocks). Running containers in distinct virtual machines can provide great isolation, compatibility and performance (though nested virtualization may bring challenges in this area), but for containers it often requires additional proxies and agents, and may require a larger resource footprint and slower start-up times. ![Machine-level virtualization](g3doc/Machine-Virtualization.png "Machine-level virtualization") **Rule-based execution**, such as [seccomp][seccomp], [SELinux][selinux] and [AppArmor][apparmor], allows the specification of a fine-grained security policy for an application or container. These schemes typically rely on hooks implemented inside the host kernel to enforce the rules. If the surface can be made small enough (i.e. a sufficiently complete policy defined), then this is an excellent way to sandbox applications and maintain native performance. However, in practice it can be extremely difficult (if not impossible) to reliably define a policy for arbitrary, previously unknown applications, making this approach challenging to apply universally. ![Rule-based execution](g3doc/Rule-Based-Execution.png "Rule-based execution") Rule-based execution is often combined with additional layers for defense-in-depth. **gVisor** provides a third isolation mechanism, distinct from those mentioned above. gVisor intercepts application system calls and acts as the guest kernel, without the need for translation through virtualized hardware. gVisor may be thought of as either a merged guest kernel and VMM, or as seccomp on steroids. This architecture allows it to provide a flexible resource footprint (i.e. one based on threads and memory mappings, not fixed guest physical resources) while also lowering the fixed costs of virtualization. However, this comes at the price of reduced application compatibility and higher per-system call overhead. ![gVisor](g3doc/Layers.png "gVisor") On top of this, gVisor employs rule-based execution to provide defense-in-depth (details below). gVisor's approach is similar to [User Mode Linux (UML)][uml], although UML virtualizes hardware internally and thus provides a fixed resource footprint. Each of the above approaches may excel in distinct scenarios. For example, machine-level virtualization will face challenges achieving high density, while gVisor may provide poor performance for system call heavy workloads. ### Why Go? gVisor was written in Go in order to avoid security pitfalls that can plague kernels. With Go, there are strong types, built-in bounds checks, no uninitialized variables, no use-after-free, no stack overflow, and a built-in race detector. (The use of Go has its challenges too, and isn't free.) ## Architecture gVisor intercepts all system calls made by the application, and does the necessary work to service them. Importantly, gVisor does not simply redirect application system calls through to the host kernel. Instead, gVisor implements most kernel primitives (signals, file systems, futexes, pipes, mm, etc.) and has complete system call handlers built on top of these primitives. Since gVisor is itself a user-space application, it will make some host system calls to support its operation, but much like a VMM, it will not allow the application to directly control the system calls it makes. ### File System Access In order to provide defense-in-depth and limit the host system surface, the gVisor container runtime is normally split into two separate processes. First, the *Sentry* process includes the kernel and is responsible for executing user code and handling system calls. Second, file system operations that extend beyond the sandbox (not internal proc or tmp files, pipes, etc.) are sent to a proxy, called a *Gofer*, via a 9P connection. ![Sentry](g3doc/Sentry-Gofer.png "Sentry and Gofer") The Gofer acts as a file system proxy by opening host files on behalf of the application, and passing them to the Sentry process, which has no host file access itself. Furthermore, the Sentry runs in an empty user namespace, and the system calls made by gVisor to the host are restricted using seccomp filters in order to provide defense-in-depth. ### Network Access The Sentry implements its own network stack (also written in Go) called [netstack][netstack]. All aspects of the network stack are handled inside the Sentry — including TCP connection state, control messages, and packet assembly — keeping it isolated from the host network stack. Data link layer packets are written directly to the virtual device inside the network namespace setup by Docker or Kubernetes. A network passthrough mode is also supported, but comes at the cost of reduced isolation (see below). ### Platforms The Sentry requires a *platform* to implement basic context switching and memory mapping functionality. Today, gVisor supports two platforms: * The **Ptrace** platform uses SYSEMU functionality to execute user code without executing host system calls. This platform can run anywhere that `ptrace` works (even VMs without nested virtualization). * The **KVM** platform (experimental) allows the Sentry to act as both guest OS and VMM, switching back and forth between the two worlds seamlessly. The KVM platform can run on bare-metal or on a VM with nested virtualization enabled. While there is no virtualized hardware layer -- the sandbox retains a process model -- gVisor leverages virtualization extensions available on modern processors in order to improve isolation and performance of address space switches. ### Performance There are several factors influencing performance. The platform choice has the largest direct impact that varies depending on the specific workload. There is no best platform: Ptrace works universally, including on VM instances, but applications may perform at a fraction of their original levels. Beyond the platform choice, passthrough modes may be useful for improving perfomance at the cost of some isolation. ## Installation These instructions will get you up-and-running sandboxed containers with gVisor and Docker. Note that gVisor can only run on x86\_64 Linux 3.17+. In addition, gVisor only supports x86\_64 binaries inside the sandbox (i.e., it cannot run 32-bit binaries). ### Download a Build The easiest way to get `runsc` is from the [latest nightly build][runsc-nightly]. After you download the binary, check it against the SHA512 [checksum file][runsc-nightly-sha]. Older builds can be found here: `https://storage.googleapis.com/gvisor/releases/nightly/${yyyy-mm-dd}/runsc` and `https://storage.googleapis.com/gvisor/releases/nightly/${yyyy-mm-dd}/runsc.sha512` **It is important to copy this binary to some place that is accessible to all users**, since `runsc` executes itself as user `nobody` to avoid unnecessary privileges. The `/usr/local/bin` directory is a good choice. ``` wget https://storage.googleapis.com/gvisor/releases/nightly/latest/runsc wget https://storage.googleapis.com/gvisor/releases/nightly/latest/runsc.sha512 sha512sum -c runsc.sha512 chmod +x runsc sudo mv runsc /usr/local/bin ``` ### Configuring Docker Next, configure Docker to use `runsc` by adding a runtime entry to your Docker configuration (`/etc/docker/daemon.json`). You may have to create this file if it does not exist. Also, some Docker versions also require you to [specify the `storage-driver` field][docker-storage-driver]. In the end, the file should look something like: ``` { "runtimes": { "runsc": { "path": "/usr/local/bin/runsc" } } } ``` You must restart the Docker daemon after making changes to this file, typically this is done via: ``` sudo systemctl restart docker ``` Now run your container in `runsc`: ``` docker run --runtime=runsc hello-world ``` Terminal support works too: ``` docker run --runtime=runsc -it ubuntu /bin/bash ``` ### Kubernetes Support (Experimental) gVisor can run sandboxed containers in a Kubernetes cluster with cri-o, although this is not recommended for production environments yet. Follow [these instructions][cri-o-k8s] to run [cri-o][cri-o] on a node in a Kubernetes cluster. Build `runsc` and put it on the node, and set it as the `runtime_untrusted_workload` in `/etc/crio/crio.conf`. Any Pod without the `io.kubernetes.cri-o.TrustedSandbox` annotation (or with the annotation set to false) will be run with `runsc`. Currently, gVisor only supports Pods with a single container (not counting the ever-present pause container). Support for multiple containers within a single Pod is coming soon. ## Advanced Usage ### Installing from Source gVisor currently requires x86\_64 Linux to build. #### Requirements Make sure the following dependencies are installed: * [git][git] * [Bazel][bazel] * [Python][python] * [Docker version 17.09.0 or greater][docker] * Gold linker (e.g. `binutils-gold` package on Ubuntu) #### Getting the source Clone the gVisor repo: ``` git clone https://gvisor.googlesource.com/gvisor gvisor cd gvisor ``` ### Building Build and install the `runsc` binary. ``` bazel build runsc sudo cp ./bazel-bin/runsc/linux_amd64_pure_stripped/runsc /usr/local/bin ``` ### Testing The gVisor test suite can be run with Bazel: ``` bazel test ... ``` ### Debugging To enable debug and system call logging, add the `runtimeArgs` below to your Docker configuration (`/etc/docker/daemon.json`): ``` { "runtimes": { "runsc": { "path": "/usr/local/bin/runsc", "runtimeArgs": [ "--debug-log-dir=/tmp/runsc", "--debug", "--strace" ] } } } ``` You may also want to pass `--log-packets` to troubleshoot network problems. Then restart the Docker daemon: ``` sudo systemctl restart docker ``` Run your container again, and inspect the files under `/tmp/runsc`. The log file with name `boot` will contain the strace logs from your application, which can be useful for identifying missing or broken system calls in gVisor. ### Enabling network passthrough For high-performance networking applications, you may choose to disable the user space network stack and instead use the host network stack. Note that this mode decreases the isolation to the host. Add the following `runtimeArgs` to your Docker configuration (`/etc/docker/daemon.json`) and restart the Docker daemon: ``` { "runtimes": { "runsc": { "path": "/usr/local/bin/runsc", "runtimeArgs": [ "--network=host" ] } } } ``` ### Selecting a different platform Depending on hardware and performance characteristics, you may choose to use a different platform. The Ptrace platform is the default, but the KVM platform may be specified by passing the `--platform` flag to `runsc` in your Docker configuration (`/etc/docker/daemon.json`): ``` { "runtimes": { "runsc": { "path": "/usr/local/bin/runsc", "runtimeArgs": [ "--platform=kvm" ] } } } ``` Then restart the Docker daemon. ### Checkpoint/Restore gVisor has the ability to checkpoint a process, save its current state in a state file, and restore into a new container using the state file. For more information about the checkpoint and restore commands, see the [checkpoint/restore readme][checkpoint-restore]. ## FAQ & Known Issues ### Will my container work with gVisor? gVisor implements a large portion of the Linux surface and while we strive to make it broadly compatible, there are (and always will be) unimplemented features and bugs. The only real way to know if it will work is to try. If you find a container that doesn’t work and there is no known issue, please [file a bug][bug] indicating the full command you used to run the image. Providing the debug logs is also helpful. ### What works? The following applications/images have been tested: * elasticsearch * golang * httpd * java8 * jenkins * mariadb * memcached * mongo * mysql * nginx * node * php * prometheus * python * redis * registry * tomcat * wordpress ### What doesn't work yet? The following applications have been tested and may not yet work: * postgres: Requires unimplemented sync_file_range. See [bug #88](https://github.com/google/gvisor/issues/88). ### My container runs fine with *runc* but fails with *runsc*. If you’re having problems running a container with `runsc` it’s most likely due to a compatibility issue or a missing feature in gVisor. See **Debugging**, above. ### When I run my container, docker fails with `flag provided but not defined: -console` You're using an old version of Docker. Refer to the [Requirements](#requirements) section for the minimum version supported. ### I can’t see a file copied with `docker cp` or `kubectl cp`. For performance reasons, gVisor caches directory contents, and therefore it may not realize a new file was copied to a given directory. To invalidate the cache and force a refresh, create a file under the directory in question and list the contents again. This bug is tracked in [bug #4](https://github.com/google/gvisor/issues/4). ## Technical details We plan to release a full paper with technical details and will include it here when available. ## Community Join the [gvisor-users mailing list][gvisor-users-list] to discuss all things gVisor. Sensitive security-related questions and comments can be sent to the private [gvisor-security mailing list][gvisor-security-list]. ## Contributing See [Contributing.md](CONTRIBUTING.md). [apparmor]: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AppArmor [bazel]: https://bazel.build [bug]: https://github.com/google/gvisor/issues [checkpoint-restore]: https://gvisor.googlesource.com/gvisor/+/master/g3doc/checkpoint_restore.md [cri-o-k8s]: https://github.com/kubernetes-incubator/cri-o/blob/master/kubernetes.md [cri-o]: https://github.com/kubernetes-incubator/cri-o [docker-storage-driver]: https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/dockerd/#daemon-storage-driver [docker]: https://www.docker.com [git]: https://git-scm.com [gvisor-security-list]: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/gvisor-security [gvisor-users-list]: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/gvisor-users [kvm]: https://www.linux-kvm.org [netstack]: https://github.com/google/netstack [oci]: https://www.opencontainers.org [python]: https://python.org [runsc-nightly-sha]: https://storage.googleapis.com/gvisor/releases/nightly/latest/runsc.sha512 [runsc-nightly]: https://storage.googleapis.com/gvisor/releases/nightly/latest/runsc [sandbox]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sandbox_(computer_security) [seccomp]: https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/prctl/seccomp_filter.txt [selinux]: https://selinuxproject.org [uml]: http://user-mode-linux.sourceforge.net/ [xen]: https://www.xenproject.org