#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2020 The gVisor Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Run a packetdrill test. Two docker containers are made, one for the # Device-Under-Test (DUT) and one for the test runner. Each is attached with # two networks, one for control packets that aid the test and one for test # packets which are sent as part of the test and observed for correctness. set -euxo pipefail function failure() { local lineno=$1 local msg=$2 local filename="$0" echo "FAIL: $filename:$lineno: $msg" } trap 'failure ${LINENO} "$BASH_COMMAND"' ERR declare -r LONGOPTS="dut_platform:,init_script:,runtime:" # Don't use declare below so that the error from getopt will end the script. PARSED=$(getopt --options "" --longoptions=$LONGOPTS --name "$0" -- "$@") eval set -- "$PARSED" while true; do case "$1" in --dut_platform) # Either "linux" or "netstack". declare -r DUT_PLATFORM="$2" shift 2 ;; --init_script) declare -r INIT_SCRIPT="$2" shift 2 ;; --runtime) # Not readonly because there might be multiple --runtime arguments and we # want to use just the last one. Only used if --dut_platform is # "netstack". declare RUNTIME="$2" shift 2 ;; --) shift break ;; *) echo "Programming error" exit 3 esac done # All the other arguments are scripts. declare -r scripts="$@" # Check that the required flags are defined in a way that is safe for "set -u". if [[ "${DUT_PLATFORM-}" == "netstack" ]]; then if [[ -z "${RUNTIME-}" ]]; then echo "FAIL: Missing --runtime argument: ${RUNTIME-}" exit 2 fi declare -r RUNTIME_ARG="--runtime ${RUNTIME}" elif [[ "${DUT_PLATFORM-}" == "linux" ]]; then declare -r RUNTIME_ARG="" else echo "FAIL: Bad or missing --dut_platform argument: ${DUT_PLATFORM-}" exit 2 fi if [[ ! -x "${INIT_SCRIPT-}" ]]; then echo "FAIL: Bad or missing --init_script: ${INIT_SCRIPT-}" exit 2 fi # Variables specific to the control network and interface start with CTRL_. # Variables specific to the test network and interface start with TEST_. # Variables specific to the DUT start with DUT_. # Variables specific to the test runner start with TEST_RUNNER_. declare -r PACKETDRILL="/packetdrill/gtests/net/packetdrill/packetdrill" # Use random numbers so that test networks don't collide. declare -r CTRL_NET="ctrl_net-$(shuf -i 0-99999999 -n 1)" declare -r TEST_NET="test_net-$(shuf -i 0-99999999 -n 1)" declare -r tolerance_usecs=100000 # On both DUT and test runner, testing packets are on the eth2 interface. declare -r TEST_DEVICE="eth2" # Number of bits in the *_NET_PREFIX variables. declare -r NET_MASK="24" function new_net_prefix() { # Class C, to, transitionally has mask 24. echo "$(shuf -i 192-223 -n 1).$(shuf -i 0-255 -n 1).$(shuf -i 0-255 -n 1)" } # Last bits of the DUT's IP address. declare -r DUT_NET_SUFFIX=".10" # Control port. declare -r CTRL_PORT="40000" # Last bits of the test runner's IP address. declare -r TEST_RUNNER_NET_SUFFIX=".20" declare -r TIMEOUT="60" declare -r IMAGE_TAG="gcr.io/gvisor-presubmit/packetdrill" # Make sure that docker is installed. docker --version function finish { local cleanup_success=1 for net in "${CTRL_NET}" "${TEST_NET}"; do # Kill all processes attached to ${net}. for docker_command in "kill" "rm"; do (docker network inspect "${net}" \ --format '{{range $key, $value := .Containers}}{{$key}} {{end}}' \ | xargs -r docker "${docker_command}") || \ cleanup_success=0 done # Remove the network. docker network rm "${net}" || \ cleanup_success=0 done if ((!$cleanup_success)); then echo "FAIL: Cleanup command failed" exit 4 fi } trap finish EXIT # Subnet for control packets between test runner and DUT. declare CTRL_NET_PREFIX=$(new_net_prefix) while ! docker network create \ "--subnet=${CTRL_NET_PREFIX}.0/${NET_MASK}" "${CTRL_NET}"; do sleep 0.1 declare CTRL_NET_PREFIX=$(new_net_prefix) done # Subnet for the packets that are part of the test. declare TEST_NET_PREFIX=$(new_net_prefix) while ! docker network create \ "--subnet=${TEST_NET_PREFIX}.0/${NET_MASK}" "${TEST_NET}"; do sleep 0.1 declare TEST_NET_PREFIX=$(new_net_prefix) done docker pull "${IMAGE_TAG}" # Create the DUT container and connect to network. DUT=$(docker create ${RUNTIME_ARG} --privileged --rm \ --stop-timeout ${TIMEOUT} -it ${IMAGE_TAG}) docker network connect "${CTRL_NET}" \ --ip "${CTRL_NET_PREFIX}${DUT_NET_SUFFIX}" "${DUT}" \ || (docker kill ${DUT}; docker rm ${DUT}; false) docker network connect "${TEST_NET}" \ --ip "${TEST_NET_PREFIX}${DUT_NET_SUFFIX}" "${DUT}" \ || (docker kill ${DUT}; docker rm ${DUT}; false) docker start "${DUT}" # Create the test runner container and connect to network. TEST_RUNNER=$(docker create --privileged --rm \ --stop-timeout ${TIMEOUT} -it ${IMAGE_TAG}) docker network connect "${CTRL_NET}" \ --ip "${CTRL_NET_PREFIX}${TEST_RUNNER_NET_SUFFIX}" "${TEST_RUNNER}" \ || (docker kill ${TEST_RUNNER}; docker rm ${REST_RUNNER}; false) docker network connect "${TEST_NET}" \ --ip "${TEST_NET_PREFIX}${TEST_RUNNER_NET_SUFFIX}" "${TEST_RUNNER}" \ || (docker kill ${TEST_RUNNER}; docker rm ${REST_RUNNER}; false) docker start "${TEST_RUNNER}" # Run tcpdump in the test runner unbuffered, without dns resolution, just on the # interface with the test packets. docker exec -t ${TEST_RUNNER} tcpdump -U -n -i "${TEST_DEVICE}" & # Start a packetdrill server on the test_runner. The packetdrill server sends # packets and asserts that they are received. docker exec -d "${TEST_RUNNER}" \ ${PACKETDRILL} --wire_server --wire_server_dev="${TEST_DEVICE}" \ --wire_server_ip="${CTRL_NET_PREFIX}${TEST_RUNNER_NET_SUFFIX}" \ --wire_server_port="${CTRL_PORT}" \ --local_ip="${TEST_NET_PREFIX}${TEST_RUNNER_NET_SUFFIX}" \ --remote_ip="${TEST_NET_PREFIX}${DUT_NET_SUFFIX}" # Because the Linux kernel receives the SYN-ACK but didn't send the SYN it will # issue a RST. To prevent this IPtables can be used to filter those out. docker exec "${TEST_RUNNER}" \ iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --tcp-flags RST RST -j DROP # Wait for the packetdrill server on the test runner to come. Attempt to # connect to it from the DUT every 100 milliseconds until success. while ! docker exec "${DUT}" \ nc -zv "${CTRL_NET_PREFIX}${TEST_RUNNER_NET_SUFFIX}" "${CTRL_PORT}"; do sleep 0.1 done # Copy the packetdrill setup script to the DUT. docker cp -L "${INIT_SCRIPT}" "${DUT}:packetdrill_setup.sh" # Copy the packetdrill scripts to the DUT. declare -a dut_scripts for script in $scripts; do docker cp -L "${script}" "${DUT}:$(basename ${script})" dut_scripts+=("/$(basename ${script})") done # Start a packetdrill client on the DUT. The packetdrill client runs POSIX # socket commands and also sends instructions to the server. docker exec -t "${DUT}" \ ${PACKETDRILL} --wire_client --wire_client_dev="${TEST_DEVICE}" \ --wire_server_ip="${CTRL_NET_PREFIX}${TEST_RUNNER_NET_SUFFIX}" \ --wire_server_port="${CTRL_PORT}" \ --local_ip="${TEST_NET_PREFIX}${DUT_NET_SUFFIX}" \ --remote_ip="${TEST_NET_PREFIX}${TEST_RUNNER_NET_SUFFIX}" \ --init_scripts=/packetdrill_setup.sh \ --tolerance_usecs="${tolerance_usecs}" "${dut_scripts[@]}" echo PASS: No errors.