load("//tools:defs.bzl", "go_library", "go_test") load("//tools/vm:defs.bzl", "vm_test") package(licenses = ["notice"]) go_library( name = "root", srcs = ["root.go"], ) go_test( name = "root_test", size = "small", srcs = [ "cgroup_test.go", "chroot_test.go", "crictl_test.go", "main_test.go", "oom_score_adj_test.go", "runsc_test.go", ], data = [ "//runsc", ], library = ":root", tags = [ # Requires docker and runsc to be configured before the test runs. # Also, the test needs to be run as root. Note that below, the # root_vm_test relies on the default runtime 'runsc' being installed by # the default installer. "manual", "local", ], visibility = ["//:sandbox"], deps = [ "//pkg/cleanup", "//pkg/test/criutil", "//pkg/test/dockerutil", "//pkg/test/testutil", "//runsc/cgroup", "//runsc/container", "//runsc/specutils", "@com_github_cenkalti_backoff//:go_default_library", "@com_github_opencontainers_runtime_spec//specs-go:go_default_library", "@com_github_syndtr_gocapability//capability:go_default_library", "@org_golang_x_sys//unix:go_default_library", ], ) vm_test( name = "root_vm_test", size = "large", shard_count = 1, targets = [":root_test"], )