load("//tools:defs.bzl", "go_binary", "go_library", "go_test") package(licenses = ["notice"]) alias( name = "mockgen", actual = "@com_github_golang_mock//mockgen:mockgen", ) MOCK_SRC_PACKAGE = "gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/p9" # mockgen_reflect is a source file that contains mock generation code that # imports the p9 package and generates a specification via reflection. The # usual generation path must be split into two distinct parts because the full # source tree is not available to all build targets. Only declared depencies # are available (and even then, not the Go source files). genrule( name = "mockgen_reflect", testonly = 1, outs = ["mockgen_reflect.go"], cmd = ( "$(location :mockgen) " + "-package p9test " + "-prog_only " + MOCK_SRC_PACKAGE + " " + "Attacher,File > $@" ), tools = [":mockgen"], ) # mockgen_exec is the binary that includes the above reflection generator. # Running this binary will emit an encoded version of the p9 Attacher and File # structures. This is consumed by the mocks genrule, below. go_binary( name = "mockgen_exec", testonly = 1, srcs = ["mockgen_reflect.go"], deps = [ "//pkg/p9", "@com_github_golang_mock//mockgen/model:go_default_library", ], ) # mocks consumes the encoded output above, and generates the full source for a # set of mocks. These are included directly in the p9test library. genrule( name = "mocks", testonly = 1, outs = ["mocks.go"], cmd = ( "$(location :mockgen) " + "-package p9test " + "-exec_only $(location :mockgen_exec) " + MOCK_SRC_PACKAGE + " File > $@" ), tools = [ ":mockgen", ":mockgen_exec", ], ) go_library( name = "p9test", srcs = [ "mocks.go", "p9test.go", ], visibility = ["//:sandbox"], deps = [ "//pkg/fd", "//pkg/log", "//pkg/p9", "//pkg/sync", "//pkg/unet", "@com_github_golang_mock//gomock:go_default_library", ], ) go_test( name = "client_test", size = "medium", srcs = ["client_test.go"], library = ":p9test", deps = [ "//pkg/fd", "//pkg/p9", "//pkg/sync", "@com_github_golang_mock//gomock:go_default_library", ], )