+++ title = "FAQ" weight = 1000 +++ ### What operating systems are supported? gVisor requires Linux {{< required_linux >}} ([older Linux][old-linux]). ### What CPU architectures are supported? gVisor currently supports [x86_64/AMD64](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X86-64) compatible processors. ### Do I need to modify my Linux application to use gVisor? No. gVisor is capable of running unmodified Linux binaries. ### What binary formats does gVisor support? gVisor supports Linux [ELF](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executable_and_Linkable_Format) binaries. Binaries run in gVisor should be built for the [AMD64](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X86-64) CPU architecture. ### Can I run Docker images using gVisor. Yes. Please see the [Docker Quick Start](/docs/user_guide/docker/). ## Troubleshooting ### My container runs fine with `runc` but fails with `runsc` If you’re having problems running a container with `runsc` it’s most likely due to a compatibility issue or a missing feature in gVisor. See [Debugging](../debugging/). ### When I run my container, docker fails with: `open /run/containerd/...//log.json: no such file or directory` You are using an older version of Linux which doesn't support `memfd_create`. gVisor requires Linux {{< required_linux >}} ([older Linux][old-linux]). [comment]: # (TODO[gvisor.dev/issue/268] remove when better error messages are implemented.) ### When I run my container, docker fails with: `flag provided but not defined: -console` You're using an old version of Docker. See [Docker Quick Start](../docker/). ### I can’t see a file copied with: `docker cp` For performance reasons, gVisor caches directory contents, and therefore it may not realize a new file was copied to a given directory. To invalidate the cache and force a refresh, create a file under the directory in question and list the contents again. As a workaround, shared root filesystem can be enabled. See [Filesystem](../filesystem/). This bug is tracked in [bug #4](https://github.com/google/gvisor/issues/4). Note that `kubectl cp` works because it does the copy by exec'ing inside the sandbox, and thus gVisor's internal cache is made aware of the new files and directories. ### I'm getting an error like: `panic: unable to attach: operation not permitted` Make sure that permissions and the owner is correct on the `runsc` binary. ```bash sudo chown root:root /usr/local/bin/runsc sudo chmod 0755 /usr/local/bin/runsc ``` ### What's the security model? See the [Security Model](../../architecture_guide/security/). [old-linux]: /docs/user_guide/networking/#gso