# Compile the proctor binary. FROM golang:1.12 AS golang ADD ["proctor/", "/go/src/proctor/"] RUN ["go", "build", "-o", "/proctor", "/go/src/proctor"] FROM ubuntu:bionic RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \ curl \ gcc \ libbz2-dev \ libffi-dev \ liblzma-dev \ libreadline-dev \ libssl-dev \ make \ zlib1g-dev # Use flags -LJO to follow the html redirect and download .tar.gz. WORKDIR /root ARG VERSION=3.7.3 RUN curl -LJO https://github.com/python/cpython/archive/v${VERSION}.tar.gz RUN tar -zxf cpython-${VERSION}.tar.gz WORKDIR /root/cpython-${VERSION} RUN ./configure --with-pydebug RUN make -s -j2 COPY --from=golang /proctor /proctor ENTRYPOINT ["/proctor", "--runtime=python"]