
324 lines
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// Copyright 2018 The gVisor Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package state provides functionality related to saving and loading object
// graphs. For most types, it provides a set of default saving / loading logic
// that will be invoked automatically if custom logic is not defined.
// Kind Support
// ---- -------
// Bool default
// Int default
// Int8 default
// Int16 default
// Int32 default
// Int64 default
// Uint default
// Uint8 default
// Uint16 default
// Uint32 default
// Uint64 default
// Float32 default
// Float64 default
// Complex64 default
// Complex128 default
// Array default
// Chan custom
// Func custom
// Interface default
// Map default
// Ptr default
// Slice default
// String default
// Struct custom (*) Unless zero-sized.
// UnsafePointer custom
// See README.md for an overview of how encoding and decoding works.
package state
import (
// objectID is a unique identifier assigned to each object to be serialized.
// Each instance of an object is considered separately, i.e. if there are two
// objects of the same type in the object graph being serialized, they'll be
// assigned unique objectIDs.
type objectID uint32
// typeID is the identifier for a type. Types are serialized and tracked
// alongside objects in order to avoid the overhead of encoding field names in
// all objects.
type typeID uint32
// ErrState is returned when an error is encountered during encode/decode.
type ErrState struct {
// err is the underlying error.
err error
// trace is the stack trace.
trace string
// Error returns a sensible description of the state error.
func (e *ErrState) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v:\n%s", e.err, e.trace)
// Unwrap implements standard unwrapping.
func (e *ErrState) Unwrap() error {
return e.err
// Save saves the given object state.
func Save(ctx context.Context, w wire.Writer, rootPtr interface{}) (Stats, error) {
// Create the encoding state.
es := encodeState{
ctx: ctx,
w: w,
types: makeTypeEncodeDatabase(),
zeroValues: make(map[reflect.Type]*objectEncodeState),
pending: make(map[objectID]*objectEncodeState),
encodedStructs: make(map[reflect.Value]*wire.Struct),
// Perform the encoding.
err := safely(func() {
return es.stats, err
// Load loads a checkpoint.
func Load(ctx context.Context, r wire.Reader, rootPtr interface{}) (Stats, error) {
// Create the decoding state.
ds := decodeState{
ctx: ctx,
r: r,
types: makeTypeDecodeDatabase(),
deferred: make(map[objectID]wire.Object),
// Attempt our decode.
err := safely(func() {
return ds.stats, err
// Sink is used for Type.StateSave.
type Sink struct {
internal objectEncoder
// Save adds the given object to the map.
// You should pass always pointers to the object you are saving. For example:
// type X struct {
// A int
// B *int
// }
// func (x *X) StateTypeInfo(m Sink) state.TypeInfo {
// return state.TypeInfo{
// Name: "pkg.X",
// Fields: []string{
// "A",
// "B",
// },
// }
// }
// func (x *X) StateSave(m Sink) {
// m.Save(0, &x.A) // Field is A.
// m.Save(1, &x.B) // Field is B.
// }
// func (x *X) StateLoad(m Source) {
// m.Load(0, &x.A) // Field is A.
// m.Load(1, &x.B) // Field is B.
// }
func (s Sink) Save(slot int, objPtr interface{}) {
s.internal.save(slot, reflect.ValueOf(objPtr).Elem())
// SaveValue adds the given object value to the map.
// This should be used for values where pointers are not available, or casts
// are required during Save/Load.
// For example, if we want to cast external package type P.Foo to int64:
// func (x *X) StateSave(m Sink) {
// m.SaveValue(0, "A", int64(x.A))
// }
// func (x *X) StateLoad(m Source) {
// m.LoadValue(0, new(int64), func(x interface{}) {
// x.A = P.Foo(x.(int64))
// })
// }
func (s Sink) SaveValue(slot int, obj interface{}) {
s.internal.save(slot, reflect.ValueOf(obj))
// Context returns the context object provided at save time.
func (s Sink) Context() context.Context {
return s.internal.es.ctx
// Type is an interface that must be implemented by Struct objects. This allows
// these objects to be serialized while minimizing runtime reflection required.
// All these methods can be automatically generated by the go_statify tool.
type Type interface {
// StateTypeName returns the type's name.
// This is used for matching type information during encoding and
// decoding, as well as dynamic interface dispatch. This should be
// globally unique.
StateTypeName() string
// StateFields returns information about the type.
// Fields is the set of fields for the object. Calls to Sink.Save and
// Source.Load must be made in-order with respect to these fields.
// This will be called at most once per serialization.
StateFields() []string
// SaverLoader must be implemented by struct types.
type SaverLoader interface {
// StateSave saves the state of the object to the given Map.
// StateLoad loads the state of the object.
// Source is used for Type.StateLoad.
type Source struct {
internal objectDecoder
// Load loads the given object passed as a pointer..
// See Sink.Save for an example.
func (s Source) Load(slot int, objPtr interface{}) {
s.internal.load(slot, reflect.ValueOf(objPtr), false, nil)
// LoadWait loads the given objects from the map, and marks it as requiring all
// AfterLoad executions to complete prior to running this object's AfterLoad.
// See Sink.Save for an example.
func (s Source) LoadWait(slot int, objPtr interface{}) {
s.internal.load(slot, reflect.ValueOf(objPtr), true, nil)
// LoadValue loads the given object value from the map.
// See Sink.SaveValue for an example.
func (s Source) LoadValue(slot int, objPtr interface{}, fn func(interface{})) {
o := reflect.ValueOf(objPtr)
s.internal.load(slot, o, true, func() { fn(o.Elem().Interface()) })
// AfterLoad schedules a function execution when all objects have been
// allocated and their automated loading and customized load logic have been
// executed. fn will not be executed until all of current object's
// dependencies' AfterLoad() logic, if exist, have been executed.
func (s Source) AfterLoad(fn func()) {
// Context returns the context object provided at load time.
func (s Source) Context() context.Context {
return s.internal.ds.ctx
// IsZeroValue checks if the given value is the zero value.
// This function is used by the stateify tool.
func IsZeroValue(val interface{}) bool {
return val == nil || reflect.ValueOf(val).Elem().IsZero()
// Failf is a wrapper around panic that should be used to generate errors that
// can be caught during saving and loading.
func Failf(fmtStr string, v ...interface{}) {
panic(fmt.Errorf(fmtStr, v...))
// safely executes the given function, catching a panic and unpacking as an
// error.
// The error flow through the state package uses panic and recover. There are
// two important reasons for this:
// 1) Many of the reflection methods will already panic with invalid data or
// violated assumptions. We would want to recover anyways here.
// 2) It allows us to eliminate boilerplate within Save() and Load() functions.
// In nearly all cases, when the low-level serialization functions fail, you
// will want the checkpoint to fail anyways. Plumbing errors through every
// method doesn't add a lot of value. If there are specific error conditions
// that you'd like to handle, you should add appropriate functionality to
// objects themselves prior to calling Save() and Load().
func safely(fn func()) (err error) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
if es, ok := r.(*ErrState); ok {
err = es // Propagate.
// Build a new state error.
es := new(ErrState)
if e, ok := r.(error); ok {
es.err = e
} else {
es.err = fmt.Errorf("%v", r)
// Make a stack. We don't know how big it will be ahead
// of time, but want to make sure we get the whole
// thing. So we just do a stupid brute force approach.
var stack []byte
for sz := 1024; ; sz *= 2 {
stack = make([]byte, sz)
n := runtime.Stack(stack, false)
if n < sz {
es.trace = string(stack[:n])
// Set the error.
err = es
// Execute the function.
return nil