
172 lines
6.6 KiB
Executable File

# Copyright 2019 The gVisor Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
set -xeou pipefail
# Remember our current directory.
declare orig_dir
readonly orig_dir
# Record the current working commit.
declare head
head=$(git describe --always)
readonly head
# Create a temporary working directory, and ensure that this directory and all
# subdirectories are cleaned up upon exit.
declare tmp_dir
tmp_dir=$(mktemp -d)
readonly tmp_dir
finish() {
cd "${orig_dir}" # Leave tmp_dir.
rm -rf "${tmp_dir}" # Remove all contents.
git checkout -f "${head}" # Restore commit.
trap finish EXIT
# Discover the package name from the go.mod file.
declare module origpwd othersrc
module=$(cat go.mod | grep -E "^module" | cut -d' ' -f2)
othersrc=("go.mod" "go.sum" "AUTHORS" "LICENSE")
readonly module origpwd othersrc
# Build an amd64 & arm64 gopath.
declare -r go_amd64="${tmp_dir}/amd64"
declare -r go_arm64="${tmp_dir}/arm64"
make build BAZEL_OPTIONS="" TARGETS="//:gopath"
rsync --recursive --delete --copy-links bazel-bin/gopath/ "${go_amd64}"
make build BAZEL_OPTIONS=--config=cross-aarch64 TARGETS="//:gopath" 2>/dev/null
rsync --recursive --delete --copy-links bazel-bin/gopath/ "${go_arm64}"
# Strip irrelevant files, i.e. use only arm64 files from the arm64 build.
# This is because bazel may generate incorrect files for non-target platforms
# as a workaround. See pkg/sentry/loader/vdsodata as an example.
find "${go_amd64}/src/${module}" -name '*_arm64*.go' -exec rm -f {} \;
find "${go_amd64}/src/${module}" -name '*_arm64*.s' -exec rm -f {} \;
find "${go_arm64}/src/${module}" -name '*_amd64*.go' -exec rm -f {} \;
find "${go_arm64}/src/${module}" -name '*_amd64*.s' -exec rm -f {} \;
# See below. The certs.go file is pseudo-random, and therefore will also
# differ between the branches. Since we merge, it only has to come from one.
# We arbitrarily keep the one from the amd64 branch, and drop the arm64 one.
rm -f "${go_arm64}/src/${module}/webhook/pkg/injector/certs.go"
# Check that all files are compatible. This means that if the files exist in
# both architectures, then they must be identical. The only ones that we expect
# to exist in a single architecture (due to binary builds) may be different.
function cross_check() {
(cd "${1}" && find "src/${module}" -type f | \
xargs -n 1 -I {} sh -c "diff '${1}/{}' '${2}/{}' 2>/dev/null; test \$? -ne 1")
cross_check "${go_arm64}" "${go_amd64}"
cross_check "${go_amd64}" "${go_arm64}"
# Merge the two for a complete set of source files.
declare -r go_merged="${tmp_dir}/merged"
rsync --recursive "${go_amd64}/" "${go_merged}"
rsync --recursive "${go_arm64}/" "${go_merged}"
# We expect to have an existing go branch that we will use as the basis for this
# commit. That branch may be empty, but it must exist. We search for this branch
# using the local branch, the "origin" branch, and other remotes, in order.
git fetch --all
declare go_branch
go_branch=$( \
git show-ref --hash refs/heads/go || \
git show-ref --hash refs/remotes/origin/go || \
git show-ref --hash go | head -n 1 \
readonly go_branch
# Clone the current repository to the temporary directory, and check out the
# current go_branch directory. We move to the new repository for convenience.
declare repo_orig
readonly repo_orig
declare -r repo_new="${tmp_dir}/repository"
git clone . "${repo_new}"
cd "${repo_new}"
# Setup the repository and checkout the branch.
git config user.email "gvisor-bot@google.com"
git config user.name "gVisor bot"
git fetch origin "${go_branch}"
git checkout -b go "${go_branch}"
# Start working on a merge commit that combines the previous history with the
# current history. Note that we don't actually want any changes yet.
# N.B. The git behavior changed at some point and the relevant flag was added
# to allow for override, so try the only behavior first then pass the flag.
git merge --no-commit --strategy ours "${head}" || \
git merge --allow-unrelated-histories --no-commit --strategy ours "${head}"
# Normalize the permissions on the old branch. Note that they should be
# normalized if constructed by this tool, but we do so before the rsync.
find . -type f -exec chmod 0644 {} \;
find . -type d -exec chmod 0755 {} \;
# Sync the entire gopath. Note that we exclude auto-generated source files that
# will change here. Otherwise, it adds a tremendous amount of noise to commits.
# If this file disappears in the future, then presumably we will still delete
# the underlying directory.
declare -r gopath="${go_merged}/src/${module}"
rsync --recursive --delete \
--exclude .git \
--exclude webhook/pkg/injector/certs.go \
"${gopath}/" .
# Add additional files.
for file in "${othersrc[@]}"; do
cp "${origpwd}"/"${file}" .
# Construct a new README.md.
cat > README.md <<EOF
# gVisor
This branch is a synthetic branch, containing only Go sources, that is
compatible with standard Go tools. See the master branch for authoritative
sources and tests.
# There are a few solitary files that can get left behind due to the way bazel
# constructs the gopath target. Note that we don't find all Go files here
# because they may correspond to unused templates, etc.
declare -ar binaries=( "runsc" "shim" "webhook" )
for target in "${binaries[@]}"; do
mkdir -p "${target}"
cp "${repo_orig}/${target}"/*.go "${target}/"
# Normalize all permissions. The way bazel constructs the :gopath tree may leave
# some strange permissions on files. We don't have anything in this tree that
# should be execution, only the Go source files, README.md, and ${othersrc}.
find . -type f -exec chmod 0644 {} \;
find . -type d -exec chmod 0755 {} \;
# Update the current working set and commit.
# If the current working commit has already been committed to the remote go
# branch, then we have nothing to commit here. So allow empty commit. This can
# occur when this script is run parallely (via pull_request and push events)
# and the push workflow finishes before the pull_request workflow can run this.
git add --all && git commit --allow-empty -m "Merge ${head} (automated)"
# Push the branch back to the original repository.
git remote add orig "${repo_orig}" && git push -f orig go:go