
1027 lines
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// Copyright 2018 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package mm
import (
type pmaOpts struct {
// If breakCOW is true, pmas must not be copy-on-write.
breakCOW bool
// existingPMAsLocked checks that pmas exist for all addresses in ar, and
// support access of type (at, ignorePermissions). If so, it returns an
// iterator to the pma containing ar.Start. Otherwise it returns a terminal
// iterator.
// Preconditions: mm.activeMu must be locked. ar.Length() != 0.
func (mm *MemoryManager) existingPMAsLocked(ar usermem.AddrRange, at usermem.AccessType, ignorePermissions bool, opts pmaOpts, needInternalMappings bool) pmaIterator {
if checkInvariants {
if !ar.WellFormed() || ar.Length() <= 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid ar: %v", ar))
first := mm.pmas.FindSegment(ar.Start)
pseg := first
for pseg.Ok() {
pma := pseg.ValuePtr()
perms := pma.vmaEffectivePerms
if ignorePermissions {
perms = pma.vmaMaxPerms
if !perms.SupersetOf(at) {
// These are the vma's permissions, so the caller will get an error
// when they try to get new pmas.
return pmaIterator{}
if opts.breakCOW && pma.needCOW {
return pmaIterator{}
if needInternalMappings && pma.internalMappings.IsEmpty() {
return pmaIterator{}
if ar.End <= pseg.End() {
return first
pseg, _ = pseg.NextNonEmpty()
// Ran out of pmas before reaching ar.End.
return pmaIterator{}
// existingVecPMAsLocked returns true if pmas exist for all addresses in ars,
// and support access of type (at, ignorePermissions).
// Preconditions: mm.activeMu must be locked.
func (mm *MemoryManager) existingVecPMAsLocked(ars usermem.AddrRangeSeq, at usermem.AccessType, ignorePermissions bool, opts pmaOpts, needInternalMappings bool) bool {
for ; !ars.IsEmpty(); ars = ars.Tail() {
if ar := ars.Head(); ar.Length() != 0 && !mm.existingPMAsLocked(ar, at, ignorePermissions, opts, needInternalMappings).Ok() {
return false
return true
// getPMAsLocked ensures that pmas exist for all addresses in ar, subject to
// opts. It returns:
// - An iterator to the pma containing ar.Start. If no pma contains ar.Start,
// the iterator is unspecified.
// - An iterator to the gap after the last pma containing an address in ar. If
// pmas exist for no addresses in ar, the iterator is to a gap that begins
// before ar.Start.
// - An error that is non-nil if pmas exist for only a subset of ar.
// Preconditions: mm.mappingMu must be locked. mm.activeMu must be locked for
// writing. ar.Length() != 0. vseg.Range().Contains(ar.Start). vmas must exist
// for all addresses in ar.
func (mm *MemoryManager) getPMAsLocked(ctx context.Context, vseg vmaIterator, ar usermem.AddrRange, opts pmaOpts) (pmaIterator, pmaGapIterator, error) {
if checkInvariants {
if !ar.WellFormed() || ar.Length() <= 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid ar: %v", ar))
if !vseg.Ok() {
panic("terminal vma iterator")
if !vseg.Range().Contains(ar.Start) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("initial vma %v does not cover start of ar %v", vseg.Range(), ar))
// Page-align ar so that all AddrRanges are aligned.
end, ok := ar.End.RoundUp()
var alignerr error
if !ok {
end = ar.End.RoundDown()
alignerr = syserror.EFAULT
ar = usermem.AddrRange{ar.Start.RoundDown(), end}
pstart, pend, perr := mm.ensurePMAsLocked(ctx, vseg, ar)
if pend.Start() <= ar.Start {
return pmaIterator{}, pend, perr
// ensurePMAsLocked may not have pstart due to iterator invalidation. We
// need it, either to return it immediately or to pass to
// breakCopyOnWriteLocked.
if !pstart.Ok() {
pstart = mm.findOrSeekPrevUpperBoundPMA(ar.Start, pend)
var cowerr error
if opts.breakCOW {
if pend.Start() < ar.End {
// Adjust ar to reflect missing pmas.
ar.End = pend.Start()
var invalidated bool
pend, invalidated, cowerr = mm.breakCopyOnWriteLocked(pstart, ar)
if pend.Start() <= ar.Start {
return pmaIterator{}, pend, cowerr
if invalidated {
pstart = mm.findOrSeekPrevUpperBoundPMA(ar.Start, pend)
if cowerr != nil {
return pstart, pend, cowerr
if perr != nil {
return pstart, pend, perr
return pstart, pend, alignerr
// getVecPMAsLocked ensures that pmas exist for all addresses in ars. It
// returns the subset of ars for which pmas exist. If this is not equal to ars,
// it returns a non-nil error explaining why.
// Preconditions: mm.mappingMu must be locked. mm.activeMu must be locked for
// writing. vmas must exist for all addresses in ars.
func (mm *MemoryManager) getVecPMAsLocked(ctx context.Context, ars usermem.AddrRangeSeq, opts pmaOpts) (usermem.AddrRangeSeq, error) {
for arsit := ars; !arsit.IsEmpty(); arsit = arsit.Tail() {
ar := arsit.Head()
if ar.Length() == 0 {
// Page-align ar so that all AddrRanges are aligned.
end, ok := ar.End.RoundUp()
var alignerr error
if !ok {
end = ar.End.RoundDown()
alignerr = syserror.EFAULT
ar = usermem.AddrRange{ar.Start.RoundDown(), end}
pstart, pend, perr := mm.ensurePMAsLocked(ctx, mm.vmas.FindSegment(ar.Start), ar)
if pend.Start() <= ar.Start {
return truncatedAddrRangeSeq(ars, arsit, pend.Start()), perr
var cowerr error
if opts.breakCOW {
if !pstart.Ok() {
pstart = mm.findOrSeekPrevUpperBoundPMA(ar.Start, pend)
if pend.Start() < ar.End {
// Adjust ar to reflect missing pmas.
ar.End = pend.Start()
pend, _, cowerr = mm.breakCopyOnWriteLocked(pstart, ar)
if cowerr != nil {
return truncatedAddrRangeSeq(ars, arsit, pend.Start()), cowerr
if perr != nil {
return truncatedAddrRangeSeq(ars, arsit, pend.Start()), perr
if alignerr != nil {
return truncatedAddrRangeSeq(ars, arsit, pend.Start()), alignerr
return ars, nil
// ensurePMAsLocked ensures that pmas exist for all addresses in ar. It returns:
// - An iterator to the pma containing ar.Start, on a best-effort basis (that
// is, the returned iterator may be terminal, even if such a pma exists).
// Returning this iterator on a best-effort basis allows callers that require
// it to use it when it's cheaply available, while also avoiding the overhead
// of retrieving it when it's not.
// - An iterator to the gap after the last pma containing an address in ar. If
// pmas exist for no addresses in ar, the iterator is to a gap that begins
// before ar.Start.
// - An error that is non-nil if pmas exist for only a subset of ar.
// Preconditions: mm.mappingMu must be locked. mm.activeMu must be locked for
// writing. ar.Length() != 0. ar must be page-aligned.
// vseg.Range().Contains(ar.Start). vmas must exist for all addresses in ar.
func (mm *MemoryManager) ensurePMAsLocked(ctx context.Context, vseg vmaIterator, ar usermem.AddrRange) (pmaIterator, pmaGapIterator, error) {
if checkInvariants {
if !ar.WellFormed() || ar.Length() <= 0 || !ar.IsPageAligned() {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid ar: %v", ar))
if !vseg.Range().Contains(ar.Start) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("initial vma %v does not cover start of ar %v", vseg.Range(), ar))
pstart, pgap := mm.pmas.Find(ar.Start)
if pstart.Ok() {
pgap = pstart.NextGap()
for pgap.Start() < ar.End {
if pgap.Range().Length() == 0 {
pgap = pgap.NextGap()
// A single pgap might be spanned by multiple vmas. Insert pmas to
// cover the first (vma, pgap) pair.
pgapAR := pgap.Range().Intersect(ar)
vseg = vseg.seekNextLowerBound(pgapAR.Start)
if checkInvariants {
if !vseg.Ok() {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("no vma after %#x", pgapAR.Start))
if pgapAR.Start < vseg.Start() {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("no vma in [%#x, %#x)", pgapAR.Start, vseg.Start()))
var err error
pgap, err = mm.insertPMAsLocked(ctx, vseg, pgap, ar)
// insertPMAsLocked most likely invalidated iterators, so pstart is now
// unknown.
pstart = pmaIterator{}
if err != nil {
return pstart, pgap, err
return pstart, pgap, nil
const (
// When memory is allocated for a private pma, align the allocated address
// range to a privateAllocUnit boundary when possible. Larger values of
// privateAllocUnit may reduce page faults by allowing fewer, larger pmas
// to be mapped, but may result in larger amounts of wasted memory in the
// presence of fragmentation. privateAllocUnit must be a power-of-2
// multiple of usermem.PageSize.
privateAllocUnit = usermem.HugePageSize
privateAllocMask = privateAllocUnit - 1
func privateAligned(ar usermem.AddrRange) usermem.AddrRange {
aligned := usermem.AddrRange{ar.Start &^ privateAllocMask, ar.End}
if end := (ar.End + privateAllocMask) &^ privateAllocMask; end >= ar.End {
aligned.End = end
if checkInvariants {
if !aligned.IsSupersetOf(ar) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("aligned AddrRange %#v is not a superset of ar %#v", aligned, ar))
return aligned
// insertPMAsLocked inserts pmas into pgap corresponding to the vma iterated by
// vseg, spanning at least ar. It returns:
// - An iterator to the gap after the last pma containing an address in ar. If
// pmas exist for no addresses in ar, the iterator is to a gap that begins
// before ar.Start.
// - An error that is non-nil if pmas exist for only a subset of ar.
// Preconditions: mm.mappingMu must be locked. mm.activeMu must be locked for
// writing. vseg.Range().Intersect(pgap.Range()).Intersect(ar).Length() != 0.
// ar must be page-aligned.
func (mm *MemoryManager) insertPMAsLocked(ctx context.Context, vseg vmaIterator, pgap pmaGapIterator, ar usermem.AddrRange) (pmaGapIterator, error) {
optAR := vseg.Range().Intersect(pgap.Range())
if checkInvariants {
if optAR.Length() <= 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("vseg %v and pgap %v do not overlap", vseg, pgap))
if !ar.WellFormed() || ar.Length() <= 0 || !ar.IsPageAligned() {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid ar %v", ar))
vma := vseg.ValuePtr()
// Private anonymous mappings get pmas by allocating.
if vma.mappable == nil {
// Limit the range we allocate to ar, aligned to privateAllocUnit.
maskAR := privateAligned(ar)
allocAR := optAR.Intersect(maskAR)
mem := mm.p.Memory()
fr, err := mem.Allocate(uint64(allocAR.Length()), usage.Anonymous)
if err != nil {
return pgap, err
if checkInvariants {
if !fr.WellFormed() || fr.Length() != uint64(allocAR.Length()) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Allocate(%v) returned invalid FileRange %v", allocAR.Length(), fr))
return mm.pmas.Insert(pgap, allocAR, pma{
file: mem,
off: fr.Start,
vmaEffectivePerms: vma.effectivePerms,
vmaMaxPerms: vma.maxPerms,
private: true,
// Since we just allocated this memory and have the only reference,
// the new pma does not need copy-on-write.
}).NextGap(), nil
// Other mappings get pmas by translating. Limit the required range
// to ar.
optMR := vseg.mappableRangeOf(optAR)
reqAR := optAR.Intersect(ar)
reqMR := vseg.mappableRangeOf(reqAR)
perms := vma.maxPerms
if vma.private {
perms.Write = false
ts, err := vma.mappable.Translate(ctx, reqMR, optMR, perms)
if checkInvariants {
if err := memmap.CheckTranslateResult(reqMR, optMR, ts, err); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Mappable(%T).Translate(%v, %v): %v", vma.mappable, reqMR, optMR, err))
// Install a pma for each Translation.
for _, t := range ts {
// This is valid because memmap.Mappable.Translate is required to
// return Translations in increasing Translation.Source order.
addrRange := vseg.addrRangeOf(t.Source)
pseg := mm.pmas.Insert(pgap, addrRange, pma{
file: t.File,
off: t.Offset,
vmaEffectivePerms: vma.effectivePerms,
vmaMaxPerms: vma.maxPerms,
needCOW: vma.private,
// The new pseg may have been merged with existing segments, only take a
// ref on the inserted range.
pgap = pseg.NextGap()
// Even if Translate returned an error, if we got to ar.End,
// insertPMAsLocked succeeded.
if ar.End <= pgap.Start() {
return pgap, nil
return pgap, err
// breakCopyOnWriteLocked ensures that pmas in ar are not copy-on-write. It
// returns:
// - An iterator to the gap after the last non-COW pma containing an address in
// ar. If non-COW pmas exist for no addresses in ar, the iterator is to a gap
// that begins before ar.Start.
// - A boolean that is true if iterators into mm.pmas may have been
// invalidated.
// - An error that is non-nil if non-COW pmas exist for only a subset of ar.
// Preconditions: mm.activeMu must be locked for writing. ar.Length() != 0. ar
// must be page-aligned. pseg.Range().Contains(ar.Start). pmas must exist for
// all addresses in ar.
func (mm *MemoryManager) breakCopyOnWriteLocked(pseg pmaIterator, ar usermem.AddrRange) (pmaGapIterator, bool, error) {
if checkInvariants {
if !ar.WellFormed() || ar.Length() <= 0 || !ar.IsPageAligned() {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid ar: %v", ar))
if !pseg.Range().Contains(ar.Start) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("initial pma %v does not cover start of ar %v", pseg.Range(), ar))
// Limit the range we copy to ar, aligned to privateAllocUnit.
maskAR := privateAligned(ar)
var invalidatedIterators, didUnmapAS bool
mem := mm.p.Memory()
for {
if mm.isPMACopyOnWriteLocked(pseg) {
// Determine the range to copy.
copyAR := pseg.Range().Intersect(maskAR)
// Get internal mappings from the pma to copy from.
if err := pseg.getInternalMappingsLocked(); err != nil {
return pseg.PrevGap(), invalidatedIterators, err
// Copy contents.
fr, err := platform.AllocateAndFill(mem, uint64(copyAR.Length()), usage.Anonymous, &safemem.BlockSeqReader{mm.internalMappingsLocked(pseg, copyAR)})
if _, ok := err.(safecopy.BusError); ok {
// If we got SIGBUS during the copy, deliver SIGBUS to
// userspace (instead of SIGSEGV) if we're breaking
// copy-on-write due to application page fault.
err = &memmap.BusError{err}
if fr.Length() == 0 {
return pseg.PrevGap(), invalidatedIterators, err
// Unmap all of maskAR, not just copyAR, to minimize host syscalls.
// AddressSpace mappings must be removed before mm.decPrivateRef().
if !didUnmapAS {
didUnmapAS = true
// Replace the pma with a copy in the part of the address range
// where copying was successful.
copyAR.End = copyAR.Start + usermem.Addr(fr.Length())
if copyAR != pseg.Range() {
pseg = mm.pmas.Isolate(pseg, copyAR)
invalidatedIterators = true
pma := pseg.ValuePtr()
if pma.private {
pma.file = mem
pma.off = fr.Start
pma.private = true
pma.needCOW = false
pma.internalMappings = safemem.BlockSeq{}
// Try to merge pma with its neighbors.
if prev := pseg.PrevSegment(); prev.Ok() {
if merged := mm.pmas.Merge(prev, pseg); merged.Ok() {
pseg = merged
invalidatedIterators = true
if next := pseg.NextSegment(); next.Ok() {
if merged := mm.pmas.Merge(pseg, next); merged.Ok() {
pseg = merged
invalidatedIterators = true
// If an error occurred after ar.End, breakCopyOnWriteLocked still
// did its job, so discard the error.
if err != nil && pseg.End() < ar.End {
return pseg.NextGap(), invalidatedIterators, err
// This checks against ar.End, not maskAR.End, so we will never break
// COW on a pma that does not intersect ar.
if ar.End <= pseg.End() {
return pseg.NextGap(), invalidatedIterators, nil
pseg = pseg.NextSegment()
// Preconditions: mm.activeMu must be locked for writing.
func (mm *MemoryManager) isPMACopyOnWriteLocked(pseg pmaIterator) bool {
pma := pseg.ValuePtr()
if !pma.needCOW {
return false
if !pma.private {
return true
// If we have the only reference on private memory to be copied, just take
// ownership of it instead of copying. If we do hold the only reference,
// additional references can only be taken by mm.Fork(), which is excluded
// by mm.activeMu, so this isn't racy.
defer mm.privateRefs.mu.Unlock()
fr := pseg.fileRange()
// This check relies on mm.privateRefs.refs being kept fully merged.
rseg := mm.privateRefs.refs.FindSegment(fr.Start)
if rseg.Ok() && rseg.Value() == 1 && fr.End <= rseg.End() {
pma.needCOW = false
return false
return true
// Invalidate implements memmap.MappingSpace.Invalidate.
func (mm *MemoryManager) Invalidate(ar usermem.AddrRange, opts memmap.InvalidateOpts) {
if checkInvariants {
if !ar.WellFormed() || ar.Length() <= 0 || !ar.IsPageAligned() {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid ar: %v", ar))
defer mm.activeMu.Unlock()
if mm.captureInvalidations {
mm.capturedInvalidations = append(mm.capturedInvalidations, invalidateArgs{ar, opts})
mm.invalidateLocked(ar, opts.InvalidatePrivate, true)
// invalidateLocked removes pmas and AddressSpace mappings of those pmas for
// addresses in ar.
// Preconditions: mm.activeMu must be locked for writing. ar.Length() != 0. ar
// must be page-aligned.
func (mm *MemoryManager) invalidateLocked(ar usermem.AddrRange, invalidatePrivate, invalidateShared bool) {
if checkInvariants {
if !ar.WellFormed() || ar.Length() <= 0 || !ar.IsPageAligned() {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid ar: %v", ar))
var didUnmapAS bool
pseg := mm.pmas.LowerBoundSegment(ar.Start)
for pseg.Ok() && pseg.Start() < ar.End {
pma := pseg.ValuePtr()
if (invalidatePrivate && pma.private) || (invalidateShared && !pma.private) {
pseg = mm.pmas.Isolate(pseg, ar)
pma = pseg.ValuePtr()
if !didUnmapAS {
// Unmap all of ar, not just pseg.Range(), to minimize host
// syscalls. AddressSpace mappings must be removed before
// mm.decPrivateRef().
didUnmapAS = true
if pma.private {
pseg = mm.pmas.Remove(pseg).NextSegment()
} else {
pseg = pseg.NextSegment()
// Pin returns the platform.File ranges currently mapped by addresses in ar in
// mm, acquiring a reference on the returned ranges which the caller must
// release by calling Unpin. If not all addresses are mapped, Pin returns a
// non-nil error. Note that Pin may return both a non-empty slice of
// PinnedRanges and a non-nil error.
// Pin does not prevent mapped ranges from changing, making it unsuitable for
// most I/O. It should only be used in contexts that would use get_user_pages()
// in the Linux kernel.
// Preconditions: ar.Length() != 0. ar must be page-aligned.
func (mm *MemoryManager) Pin(ctx context.Context, ar usermem.AddrRange, at usermem.AccessType, ignorePermissions bool) ([]PinnedRange, error) {
if checkInvariants {
if !ar.WellFormed() || ar.Length() <= 0 || !ar.IsPageAligned() {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid ar: %v", ar))
// Ensure that we have usable vmas.
vseg, vend, verr := mm.getVMAsLocked(ctx, ar, at, ignorePermissions)
if vendaddr := vend.Start(); vendaddr < ar.End {
if vendaddr <= ar.Start {
return nil, verr
ar.End = vendaddr
// Ensure that we have usable pmas.
pseg, pend, perr := mm.getPMAsLocked(ctx, vseg, ar, pmaOpts{
breakCOW: at.Write,
if pendaddr := pend.Start(); pendaddr < ar.End {
if pendaddr <= ar.Start {
return nil, perr
ar.End = pendaddr
// Gather pmas.
var prs []PinnedRange
for pseg.Ok() && pseg.Start() < ar.End {
psar := pseg.Range().Intersect(ar)
f := pseg.ValuePtr().file
fr := pseg.fileRangeOf(psar)
prs = append(prs, PinnedRange{
Source: psar,
File: f,
Offset: fr.Start,
pseg = pseg.NextSegment()
// Return the first error in order of progress through ar.
if perr != nil {
return prs, perr
return prs, verr
// PinnedRanges are returned by MemoryManager.Pin.
type PinnedRange struct {
// Source is the corresponding range of addresses.
Source usermem.AddrRange
// File is the mapped file.
File platform.File
// Offset is the offset into File at which this PinnedRange begins.
Offset uint64
// FileRange returns the platform.File offsets mapped by pr.
func (pr PinnedRange) FileRange() platform.FileRange {
return platform.FileRange{pr.Offset, pr.Offset + uint64(pr.Source.Length())}
// Unpin releases the reference held by prs.
func Unpin(prs []PinnedRange) {
for i := range prs {
// movePMAsLocked moves all pmas in oldAR to newAR.
// Preconditions: mm.activeMu must be locked for writing. oldAR.Length() != 0.
// oldAR.Length() <= newAR.Length(). !oldAR.Overlaps(newAR).
// mm.pmas.IsEmptyRange(newAR). oldAR and newAR must be page-aligned.
func (mm *MemoryManager) movePMAsLocked(oldAR, newAR usermem.AddrRange) {
if checkInvariants {
if !oldAR.WellFormed() || oldAR.Length() <= 0 || !oldAR.IsPageAligned() {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid oldAR: %v", oldAR))
if !newAR.WellFormed() || newAR.Length() <= 0 || !newAR.IsPageAligned() {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid newAR: %v", newAR))
if oldAR.Length() > newAR.Length() {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("old address range %v may contain pmas that will not fit in new address range %v", oldAR, newAR))
if oldAR.Overlaps(newAR) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("old and new address ranges overlap: %v, %v", oldAR, newAR))
// mm.pmas.IsEmptyRange is checked by mm.pmas.Insert.
type movedPMA struct {
oldAR usermem.AddrRange
pma pma
var movedPMAs []movedPMA
pseg := mm.pmas.LowerBoundSegment(oldAR.Start)
for pseg.Ok() && pseg.Start() < oldAR.End {
pseg = mm.pmas.Isolate(pseg, oldAR)
movedPMAs = append(movedPMAs, movedPMA{
oldAR: pseg.Range(),
pma: pseg.Value(),
pseg = mm.pmas.Remove(pseg).NextSegment()
// No RSS change is needed since we're re-inserting the same pmas
// below.
off := newAR.Start - oldAR.Start
pgap := mm.pmas.FindGap(newAR.Start)
for i := range movedPMAs {
mpma := &movedPMAs[i]
pmaNewAR := usermem.AddrRange{mpma.oldAR.Start + off, mpma.oldAR.End + off}
pgap = mm.pmas.Insert(pgap, pmaNewAR, mpma.pma).NextGap()
// getPMAInternalMappingsLocked ensures that pmas for all addresses in ar have
// cached internal mappings. It returns:
// - An iterator to the gap after the last pma with internal mappings
// containing an address in ar. If internal mappings exist for no addresses in
// ar, the iterator is to a gap that begins before ar.Start.
// - An error that is non-nil if internal mappings exist for only a subset of
// ar.
// Preconditions: mm.activeMu must be locked for writing.
// pseg.Range().Contains(ar.Start). pmas must exist for all addresses in ar.
// ar.Length() != 0.
// Postconditions: getPMAInternalMappingsLocked does not invalidate iterators
// into mm.pmas.
func (mm *MemoryManager) getPMAInternalMappingsLocked(pseg pmaIterator, ar usermem.AddrRange) (pmaGapIterator, error) {
if checkInvariants {
if !ar.WellFormed() || ar.Length() <= 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid ar: %v", ar))
if !pseg.Range().Contains(ar.Start) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("initial pma %v does not cover start of ar %v", pseg.Range(), ar))
for {
if err := pseg.getInternalMappingsLocked(); err != nil {
return pseg.PrevGap(), err
if ar.End <= pseg.End() {
return pseg.NextGap(), nil
pseg, _ = pseg.NextNonEmpty()
// getVecPMAInternalMappingsLocked ensures that pmas for all addresses in ars
// have cached internal mappings. It returns the subset of ars for which
// internal mappings exist. If this is not equal to ars, it returns a non-nil
// error explaining why.
// Preconditions: mm.activeMu must be locked for writing. pmas must exist for
// all addresses in ar.
// Postconditions: getVecPMAInternalMappingsLocked does not invalidate iterators
// into mm.pmas.
func (mm *MemoryManager) getVecPMAInternalMappingsLocked(ars usermem.AddrRangeSeq) (usermem.AddrRangeSeq, error) {
for arsit := ars; !arsit.IsEmpty(); arsit = arsit.Tail() {
ar := arsit.Head()
if ar.Length() == 0 {
if pend, err := mm.getPMAInternalMappingsLocked(mm.pmas.FindSegment(ar.Start), ar); err != nil {
return truncatedAddrRangeSeq(ars, arsit, pend.Start()), err
return ars, nil
// internalMappingsLocked returns internal mappings for addresses in ar.
// Preconditions: mm.activeMu must be locked. Internal mappings must have been
// previously established for all addresses in ar. ar.Length() != 0.
// pseg.Range().Contains(ar.Start).
func (mm *MemoryManager) internalMappingsLocked(pseg pmaIterator, ar usermem.AddrRange) safemem.BlockSeq {
if checkInvariants {
if !ar.WellFormed() || ar.Length() <= 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid ar: %v", ar))
if !pseg.Range().Contains(ar.Start) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("initial pma %v does not cover start of ar %v", pseg.Range(), ar))
if ar.End <= pseg.End() {
// Since only one pma is involved, we can use pma.internalMappings
// directly, avoiding a slice allocation.
offset := uint64(ar.Start - pseg.Start())
return pseg.ValuePtr().internalMappings.DropFirst64(offset).TakeFirst64(uint64(ar.Length()))
var ims []safemem.Block
for {
pr := pseg.Range().Intersect(ar)
for pims := pseg.ValuePtr().internalMappings.DropFirst64(uint64(pr.Start - pseg.Start())).TakeFirst64(uint64(pr.Length())); !pims.IsEmpty(); pims = pims.Tail() {
ims = append(ims, pims.Head())
if ar.End <= pseg.End() {
pseg = pseg.NextSegment()
return safemem.BlockSeqFromSlice(ims)
// vecInternalMappingsLocked returns internal mappings for addresses in ars.
// Preconditions: mm.activeMu must be locked. Internal mappings must have been
// previously established for all addresses in ars.
func (mm *MemoryManager) vecInternalMappingsLocked(ars usermem.AddrRangeSeq) safemem.BlockSeq {
var ims []safemem.Block
for ; !ars.IsEmpty(); ars = ars.Tail() {
ar := ars.Head()
if ar.Length() == 0 {
for pims := mm.internalMappingsLocked(mm.pmas.FindSegment(ar.Start), ar); !pims.IsEmpty(); pims = pims.Tail() {
ims = append(ims, pims.Head())
return safemem.BlockSeqFromSlice(ims)
// incPrivateRef acquires a reference on private pages in fr.
func (mm *MemoryManager) incPrivateRef(fr platform.FileRange) {
defer mm.privateRefs.mu.Unlock()
refSet := &mm.privateRefs.refs
seg, gap := refSet.Find(fr.Start)
for {
switch {
case seg.Ok() && seg.Start() < fr.End:
seg = refSet.Isolate(seg, fr)
seg.SetValue(seg.Value() + 1)
seg, gap = seg.NextNonEmpty()
case gap.Ok() && gap.Start() < fr.End:
seg, gap = refSet.InsertWithoutMerging(gap, gap.Range().Intersect(fr), 1).NextNonEmpty()
// decPrivateRef releases a reference on private pages in fr.
func (mm *MemoryManager) decPrivateRef(fr platform.FileRange) {
var freed []platform.FileRange
refSet := &mm.privateRefs.refs
seg := refSet.LowerBoundSegment(fr.Start)
for seg.Ok() && seg.Start() < fr.End {
seg = refSet.Isolate(seg, fr)
if old := seg.Value(); old == 1 {
freed = append(freed, seg.Range())
seg = refSet.Remove(seg).NextSegment()
} else {
seg.SetValue(old - 1)
seg = seg.NextSegment()
mem := mm.p.Memory()
for _, fr := range freed {
// addRSSLocked updates the current and maximum resident set size of a
// MemoryManager to reflect the insertion of a pma at ar.
// Preconditions: mm.activeMu must be locked for writing.
func (mm *MemoryManager) addRSSLocked(ar usermem.AddrRange) {
mm.curRSS += uint64(ar.Length())
if mm.curRSS > mm.maxRSS {
mm.maxRSS = mm.curRSS
// removeRSSLocked updates the current resident set size of a MemoryManager to
// reflect the removal of a pma at ar.
// Preconditions: mm.activeMu must be locked for writing.
func (mm *MemoryManager) removeRSSLocked(ar usermem.AddrRange) {
mm.curRSS -= uint64(ar.Length())
// pmaSetFunctions implements segment.Functions for pmaSet.
type pmaSetFunctions struct{}
func (pmaSetFunctions) MinKey() usermem.Addr {
return 0
func (pmaSetFunctions) MaxKey() usermem.Addr {
return ^usermem.Addr(0)
func (pmaSetFunctions) ClearValue(pma *pma) {
pma.file = nil
pma.internalMappings = safemem.BlockSeq{}
func (pmaSetFunctions) Merge(ar1 usermem.AddrRange, pma1 pma, ar2 usermem.AddrRange, pma2 pma) (pma, bool) {
if pma1.file != pma2.file ||
pma1.off+uint64(ar1.Length()) != pma2.off ||
pma1.vmaEffectivePerms != pma2.vmaEffectivePerms ||
pma1.vmaMaxPerms != pma2.vmaMaxPerms ||
pma1.needCOW != pma2.needCOW ||
pma1.private != pma2.private {
return pma{}, false
// Discard internal mappings instead of trying to merge them, since merging
// them requires an allocation and getting them again from the
// platform.File might not.
pma1.internalMappings = safemem.BlockSeq{}
return pma1, true
func (pmaSetFunctions) Split(ar usermem.AddrRange, p pma, split usermem.Addr) (pma, pma) {
newlen1 := uint64(split - ar.Start)
p2 := p
p2.off += newlen1
if !p.internalMappings.IsEmpty() {
p.internalMappings = p.internalMappings.TakeFirst64(newlen1)
p2.internalMappings = p2.internalMappings.DropFirst64(newlen1)
return p, p2
// findOrSeekPrevUpperBoundPMA returns mm.pmas.UpperBoundSegment(addr), but may do
// so by scanning linearly backward from pgap.
// Preconditions: mm.activeMu must be locked. addr <= pgap.Start().
func (mm *MemoryManager) findOrSeekPrevUpperBoundPMA(addr usermem.Addr, pgap pmaGapIterator) pmaIterator {
if checkInvariants {
if !pgap.Ok() {
panic("terminal pma iterator")
if addr > pgap.Start() {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("can't seek backward to %#x from %#x", addr, pgap.Start()))
// Optimistically check if pgap.PrevSegment() is the PMA we're looking for,
// which is the case if findOrSeekPrevUpperBoundPMA is called to find the
// start of a range containing only a single PMA.
if pseg := pgap.PrevSegment(); pseg.Start() <= addr {
return pseg
return mm.pmas.UpperBoundSegment(addr)
// getInternalMappingsLocked ensures that pseg.ValuePtr().internalMappings is
// non-empty.
// Preconditions: mm.activeMu must be locked for writing.
func (pseg pmaIterator) getInternalMappingsLocked() error {
pma := pseg.ValuePtr()
if pma.internalMappings.IsEmpty() {
// Internal mappings are used for ignorePermissions accesses,
// so we need to use vma.maxPerms instead of
// vma.effectivePerms. However, we will never execute
// application code through an internal mapping, and we don't
// actually need a writable mapping if copy-on-write is in
// effect. (But get a writable mapping anyway if the pma is
// private, so that if breakCopyOnWriteLocked =>
// isPMACopyOnWriteLocked takes ownership of the pma instead of
// copying, it doesn't need to get a new mapping.)
perms := pma.vmaMaxPerms
perms.Execute = false
if pma.needCOW && !pma.private {
perms.Write = false
ims, err := pma.file.MapInternal(pseg.fileRange(), perms)
if err != nil {
return err
pma.internalMappings = ims
return nil
func (pseg pmaIterator) fileRange() platform.FileRange {
return pseg.fileRangeOf(pseg.Range())
// Preconditions: pseg.Range().IsSupersetOf(ar). ar.Length != 0.
func (pseg pmaIterator) fileRangeOf(ar usermem.AddrRange) platform.FileRange {
if checkInvariants {
if !pseg.Ok() {
panic("terminal pma iterator")
if !ar.WellFormed() || ar.Length() <= 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid ar: %v", ar))
if !pseg.Range().IsSupersetOf(ar) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("ar %v out of bounds %v", ar, pseg.Range()))
pma := pseg.ValuePtr()
pstart := pseg.Start()
return platform.FileRange{pma.off + uint64(ar.Start-pstart), pma.off + uint64(ar.End-pstart)}