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// Copyright 2018 The gVisor Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package specutils contains utility functions for working with OCI runtime
// specs.
package specutils
import (
specs "github.com/opencontainers/runtime-spec/specs-go"
// ExePath must point to runsc binary, which is normally the same binary. It's
// changed in tests that aren't linked in the same binary.
var ExePath = "/proc/self/exe"
// Version is the supported spec version.
var Version = specs.Version
// LogSpec logs the spec in a human-friendly way.
func LogSpec(spec *specs.Spec) {
log.Debugf("Spec: %+v", spec)
log.Debugf("Spec.Hooks: %+v", spec.Hooks)
log.Debugf("Spec.Linux: %+v", spec.Linux)
if spec.Linux != nil && spec.Linux.Resources != nil {
res := spec.Linux.Resources
log.Debugf("Spec.Linux.Resources.Memory: %+v", res.Memory)
log.Debugf("Spec.Linux.Resources.CPU: %+v", res.CPU)
log.Debugf("Spec.Linux.Resources.BlockIO: %+v", res.BlockIO)
log.Debugf("Spec.Linux.Resources.Network: %+v", res.Network)
log.Debugf("Spec.Process: %+v", spec.Process)
log.Debugf("Spec.Root: %+v", spec.Root)
log.Debugf("Spec.Mounts: %+v", spec.Mounts)
// ValidateSpec validates that the spec is compatible with runsc.
func ValidateSpec(spec *specs.Spec) error {
// Mandatory fields.
if spec.Process == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Spec.Process must be defined: %+v", spec)
if len(spec.Process.Args) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("Spec.Process.Arg must be defined: %+v", spec.Process)
if spec.Root == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Spec.Root must be defined: %+v", spec)
if len(spec.Root.Path) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("Spec.Root.Path must be defined: %+v", spec.Root)
// Unsupported fields.
if spec.Solaris != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Spec.Solaris is not supported: %+v", spec)
if spec.Windows != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Spec.Windows is not supported: %+v", spec)
if len(spec.Process.SelinuxLabel) != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("SELinux is not supported: %s", spec.Process.SelinuxLabel)
// Docker uses AppArmor by default, so just log that it's being ignored.
if spec.Process.ApparmorProfile != "" {
log.Warningf("AppArmor profile %q is being ignored", spec.Process.ApparmorProfile)
// TODO(b/72226747): Apply seccomp to application inside sandbox.
if spec.Linux != nil && spec.Linux.Seccomp != nil {
log.Warningf("Seccomp spec is being ignored")
if spec.Linux != nil && spec.Linux.RootfsPropagation != "" {
if err := validateRootfsPropagation(spec.Linux.RootfsPropagation); err != nil {
return err
for _, m := range spec.Mounts {
if err := validateMount(&m); err != nil {
return err
// Two annotations are use by containerd to support multi-container pods.
// "io.kubernetes.cri.container-type"
// "io.kubernetes.cri.sandbox-id"
containerType, hasContainerType := spec.Annotations[ContainerdContainerTypeAnnotation]
_, hasSandboxID := spec.Annotations[ContainerdSandboxIDAnnotation]
switch {
// Non-containerd use won't set a container type.
case !hasContainerType:
case containerType == ContainerdContainerTypeSandbox:
// When starting a container in an existing sandbox, the sandbox ID
// must be set.
case containerType == ContainerdContainerTypeContainer:
if !hasSandboxID {
return fmt.Errorf("spec has container-type of %s, but no sandbox ID set", containerType)
return fmt.Errorf("unknown container-type: %s", containerType)
return nil
// absPath turns the given path into an absolute path (if it is not already
// absolute) by prepending the base path.
func absPath(base, rel string) string {
if filepath.IsAbs(rel) {
return rel
return filepath.Join(base, rel)
// OpenSpec opens an OCI runtime spec from the given bundle directory.
func OpenSpec(bundleDir string) (*os.File, error) {
// The spec file must be named "config.json" inside the bundle directory.
return os.Open(filepath.Join(bundleDir, "config.json"))
// ReadSpec reads an OCI runtime spec from the given bundle directory.
// ReadSpec also normalizes all potential relative paths into absolute
// path, e.g. spec.Root.Path, mount.Source.
func ReadSpec(bundleDir string) (*specs.Spec, error) {
specFile, err := OpenSpec(bundleDir)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error opening spec file %q: %v", filepath.Join(bundleDir, "config.json"), err)
defer specFile.Close()
return ReadSpecFromFile(bundleDir, specFile)
// ReadSpecFromFile reads an OCI runtime spec from the given File, and
// normalizes all relative paths into absolute by prepending the bundle dir.
func ReadSpecFromFile(bundleDir string, specFile *os.File) (*specs.Spec, error) {
if _, err := specFile.Seek(0, os.SEEK_SET); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error seeking to beginning of file %q: %v", specFile.Name(), err)
specBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(specFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error reading spec from file %q: %v", specFile.Name(), err)
var spec specs.Spec
if err := json.Unmarshal(specBytes, &spec); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error unmarshaling spec from file %q: %v\n %s", specFile.Name(), err, string(specBytes))
if err := ValidateSpec(&spec); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Turn any relative paths in the spec to absolute by prepending the bundleDir.
spec.Root.Path = absPath(bundleDir, spec.Root.Path)
for i := range spec.Mounts {
m := &spec.Mounts[i]
if m.Source != "" {
m.Source = absPath(bundleDir, m.Source)
return &spec, nil
// ReadMounts reads mount list from a file.
func ReadMounts(f *os.File) ([]specs.Mount, error) {
bytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(f)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error reading mounts: %v", err)
var mounts []specs.Mount
if err := json.Unmarshal(bytes, &mounts); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error unmarshaling mounts: %v\n %s", err, string(bytes))
return mounts, nil
// Capabilities takes in spec and returns a TaskCapabilities corresponding to
// the spec.
func Capabilities(enableRaw bool, specCaps *specs.LinuxCapabilities) (*auth.TaskCapabilities, error) {
// Strip CAP_NET_RAW from all capability sets if necessary.
skipSet := map[linux.Capability]struct{}{}
if !enableRaw {
skipSet[linux.CAP_NET_RAW] = struct{}{}
var caps auth.TaskCapabilities
if specCaps != nil {
var err error
if caps.BoundingCaps, err = capsFromNames(specCaps.Bounding, skipSet); err != nil {
return nil, err
if caps.EffectiveCaps, err = capsFromNames(specCaps.Effective, skipSet); err != nil {
return nil, err
if caps.InheritableCaps, err = capsFromNames(specCaps.Inheritable, skipSet); err != nil {
return nil, err
if caps.PermittedCaps, err = capsFromNames(specCaps.Permitted, skipSet); err != nil {
return nil, err
// TODO(nlacasse): Support ambient capabilities.
return &caps, nil
// AllCapabilities returns a LinuxCapabilities struct with all capabilities.
func AllCapabilities() *specs.LinuxCapabilities {
var names []string
for n := range capFromName {
names = append(names, n)
return &specs.LinuxCapabilities{
Bounding: names,
Effective: names,
Inheritable: names,
Permitted: names,
Ambient: names,
var capFromName = map[string]linux.Capability{
func capsFromNames(names []string, skipSet map[linux.Capability]struct{}) (auth.CapabilitySet, error) {
var caps []linux.Capability
for _, n := range names {
c, ok := capFromName[n]
if !ok {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("unknown capability %q", n)
// Should we skip this capabilty?
if _, ok := skipSet[c]; ok {
caps = append(caps, c)
return auth.CapabilitySetOfMany(caps), nil
// Is9PMount returns true if the given mount can be mounted as an external gofer.
func Is9PMount(m specs.Mount) bool {
return m.Type == "bind" && m.Source != "" && IsSupportedDevMount(m)
// IsSupportedDevMount returns true if the mount is a supported /dev mount.
// Only mount that does not conflict with runsc default /dev mount is
// supported.
func IsSupportedDevMount(m specs.Mount) bool {
// These are devices exist inside sentry. See pkg/sentry/fs/dev/dev.go
var existingDevices = []string{
"/dev/fd", "/dev/stdin", "/dev/stdout", "/dev/stderr",
"/dev/null", "/dev/zero", "/dev/full", "/dev/random",
"/dev/urandom", "/dev/shm", "/dev/pts", "/dev/ptmx",
dst := filepath.Clean(m.Destination)
if dst == "/dev" {
// OCI spec uses many different mounts for the things inside of '/dev'. We
// have a single mount at '/dev' that is always mounted, regardless of
// whether it was asked for, as the spec says we SHOULD.
return false
for _, dev := range existingDevices {
if dst == dev || strings.HasPrefix(dst, dev+"/") {
return false
return true
const (
// ContainerdContainerTypeAnnotation is the OCI annotation set by
// containerd to indicate whether the container to create should have
// its own sandbox or a container within an existing sandbox.
ContainerdContainerTypeAnnotation = "io.kubernetes.cri.container-type"
// ContainerdContainerTypeContainer is the container type value
// indicating the container should be created in an existing sandbox.
ContainerdContainerTypeContainer = "container"
// ContainerdContainerTypeSandbox is the container type value
// indicating the container should be created in a new sandbox.
ContainerdContainerTypeSandbox = "sandbox"
// ContainerdSandboxIDAnnotation is the OCI annotation set to indicate
// which sandbox the container should be created in when the container
// is not the first container in the sandbox.
ContainerdSandboxIDAnnotation = "io.kubernetes.cri.sandbox-id"
// ShouldCreateSandbox returns true if the spec indicates that a new sandbox
// should be created for the container. If false, the container should be
// started in an existing sandbox.
func ShouldCreateSandbox(spec *specs.Spec) bool {
t, ok := spec.Annotations[ContainerdContainerTypeAnnotation]
return !ok || t == ContainerdContainerTypeSandbox
// SandboxID returns the ID of the sandbox to join and whether an ID was found
// in the spec.
func SandboxID(spec *specs.Spec) (string, bool) {
id, ok := spec.Annotations[ContainerdSandboxIDAnnotation]
return id, ok
// WaitForReady waits for a process to become ready. The process is ready when
// the 'ready' function returns true. It continues to wait if 'ready' returns
// false. It returns error on timeout, if the process stops or if 'ready' fails.
func WaitForReady(pid int, timeout time.Duration, ready func() (bool, error)) error {
b := backoff.NewExponentialBackOff()
b.InitialInterval = 1 * time.Millisecond
b.MaxInterval = 1 * time.Second
b.MaxElapsedTime = timeout
op := func() error {
if ok, err := ready(); err != nil {
return backoff.Permanent(err)
} else if ok {
return nil
// Check if the process is still running.
// If the process is alive, child is 0 because of the NOHANG option.
// If the process has terminated, child equals the process id.
var ws syscall.WaitStatus
var ru syscall.Rusage
child, err := syscall.Wait4(pid, &ws, syscall.WNOHANG, &ru)
if err != nil {
return backoff.Permanent(fmt.Errorf("error waiting for process: %v", err))
} else if child == pid {
return backoff.Permanent(fmt.Errorf("process %d has terminated", pid))
return fmt.Errorf("process %d not running yet", pid)
return backoff.Retry(op, b)
// DebugLogFile opens a log file using 'logPattern' as location. If 'logPattern'
// ends with '/', it's used as a directory with default file name.
// 'logPattern' can contain variables that are substitued:
// - %TIMESTAMP%: is replaced with a timestamp using the following format:
// <yyyymmdd-hhmmss.uuuuuu>
// - %COMMAND%: is replaced with 'command'
func DebugLogFile(logPattern, command string) (*os.File, error) {
if strings.HasSuffix(logPattern, "/") {
// Default format: <debug-log>/runsc.log.<yyyymmdd-hhmmss.uuuuuu>.<command>
logPattern += "runsc.log.%TIMESTAMP%.%COMMAND%"
logPattern = strings.Replace(logPattern, "%TIMESTAMP%", time.Now().Format("20060102-150405.000000"), -1)
logPattern = strings.Replace(logPattern, "%COMMAND%", command, -1)
dir := filepath.Dir(logPattern)
if err := os.MkdirAll(dir, 0775); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error creating dir %q: %v", dir, err)
return os.OpenFile(logPattern, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND, 0664)
// Mount creates the mount point and calls Mount with the given flags.
func Mount(src, dst, typ string, flags uint32) error {
// Create the mount point inside. The type must be the same as the
// source (file or directory).
var isDir bool
if typ == "proc" {
// Special case, as there is no source directory for proc mounts.
isDir = true
} else if fi, err := os.Stat(src); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Stat(%q) failed: %v", src, err)
} else {
isDir = fi.IsDir()
if isDir {
// Create the destination directory.
if err := os.MkdirAll(dst, 0777); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Mkdir(%q) failed: %v", dst, err)
} else {
// Create the parent destination directory.
parent := path.Dir(dst)
if err := os.MkdirAll(parent, 0777); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Mkdir(%q) failed: %v", parent, err)
// Create the destination file if it does not exist.
f, err := os.OpenFile(dst, syscall.O_CREAT, 0777)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Open(%q) failed: %v", dst, err)
// Do the mount.
if err := syscall.Mount(src, dst, typ, uintptr(flags), ""); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Mount(%q, %q, %d) failed: %v", src, dst, flags, err)
return nil
// ContainsStr returns true if 'str' is inside 'strs'.
func ContainsStr(strs []string, str string) bool {
for _, s := range strs {
if s == str {
return true
return false
// Cleanup allows defers to be aborted when cleanup needs to happen
// conditionally. Usage:
// c := MakeCleanup(func() { f.Close() })
// defer c.Clean() // any failure before release is called will close the file.
// ...
// c.Release() // on success, aborts closing the file and return it.
// return f
type Cleanup struct {
clean func()
// MakeCleanup creates a new Cleanup object.
func MakeCleanup(f func()) Cleanup {
return Cleanup{clean: f}
// Clean calls the cleanup function.
func (c *Cleanup) Clean() {
if c.clean != nil {
c.clean = nil
// Release releases the cleanup from its duties, i.e. cleanup function is not
// called after this point.
func (c *Cleanup) Release() {
c.clean = nil