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Image Update

After making changes to files in the directory, you must run the following commands to update the image Kokoro uses:

gcloud config set project gvisor-kokoro-testing

Note: the command above will change your default project for gcloud. Run gcloud config set project again to revert back to your default project.

Note: Files in third_party/gvisor/kokoro/ubuntu1804/ as symlinks to ubuntu1604, therefore both images must be updated.

After the script finishes, the last few lines of the output will container the image name. If the output was lost, you can run build.sh again to print the image name.

NAME                    PROJECT                FAMILY  DEPRECATED  STATUS
image-6777fa4666a968c8  gvisor-kokoro-testing                      READY
+ cleanup
+ gcloud compute instances delete --quiet build-tlfrdv
Deleted [https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/gvisor-kokoro-testing/zones/us-central1-f/instances/build-tlfrdv].

To setup Kokoro to use the new image, copy the image names to their corresponding file below:

  • //devtools/kokoro/config/gcp/gvisor/ubuntu1604.gcl
  • //devtools/kokoro/config/gcp/gvisor/ubuntu1804.gcl